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8 occurrences of The records of the Virginia Company of London
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CCXLVII. Sir Francis Wyatt. Proclamations June 21, 1622

8 occurrences of The records of the Virginia Company of London
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CCXLVII. Sir Francis Wyatt. Proclamations
June 21, 1622

Manuscript Records Virginia Company, III, Part ii, Page 46a
Document in Library of Congress, Washington, D. C.
List of Records No. 342

A Proclamation against Drunkeness

Whereas many p̳clamations haue formerly been drected & published by
eu9ie Gouernor preceeding me in this place for the suppressing of yt fre-
quent & so accostomed vice of Drunkenes yett notwthstanding yt Vice
Doth still abound to the p̢iudice not only of mens Bodies but ther soules.
I Sr Francis Wyatt knight Gouernor & Capt Generall of Virginia & ye rest
of ye Counsell haue againe renued ther form9 good purposes. And doe by
these presents publish & declare against all such persons as shall hereafter
so transgresse theise penalties ffollowing. If anie gentleman or other
aboue the degree of a Serieant shalbe found Drunke & so accused hee
shall for ye first seacond & third p̳uall of his being so found & accused
pay to the full valew of fiue pound sterling. Eeu9ie free man forty shillings
Euerie Tenant twenty & be sett in the stocks twelv howres everie hired
seruant for ye first seacond & third tyme yt hee shall be found Drunke &
accused to bee put necke & heeles two howres. prentises to bee whipt,
being so found & accused. But if anie of these of what degree soeu9 shall
contynew & persist in this most odious Vice (not wthstanding his p̳hibition
& Punishments inflicted hee or they so offending shall undergoe a more
seveare Censure by the Gouernor & Counsell. And that this Edict may be
more truly & faithfully obserued then others of like nature haue bin here-
tofore. Wee doe ordaine an offycer (for yt purpose to be sworne), in eu9ie
Plantacion to giue information of all such as shalbe so disordred the
Moyetye of the ffees to be giuen to the said offycer, so informing or for
default of him to any other yt shall informe. And the other to ye puplique
tresurye & by cause goeing aboard shipps hath beene a mayne Cause of
Drunkenes it is ordred thatt Double ye same conditions respectiuely
shall be inflicted one eu9ie one yt wthout lycence goeth aboard or yt shall


buy any hot watters of any marriner or other person vnlesse it be in open
markett. Given vnder my hand & Colony signett this 2j of June 1622
and in the sixteenth yeare of this plantation

Francis Wyatt

By the Governor & Capt Generall of Virginia A Proclamation against

Whereas that greuious Custome & great abuse of p̳phayning & takeing ye
name of God in vaine wth all well gouerned Comon wealths, eu9ie good
Christian doth abhorr, seeking by all meanes possible to reclaime, yt being
one & ye greatest Cause of pulling downe ye wrath of god vpon vs, wch
wee ought by all meanes to expiate, yt is therfore ordred yt eu9ie Master
of a family shall haue a ferrular made wch shalbe kept in his house to Correct
eu9ie one of his seruantℯ soe offending. And failing either to haue one
[in] his house or haueing one not to excersise it, hee shall pay to ye full valew
of fiue poundℯ sterling thone halfe of yt to be giuen to ye inform9 the
other halfe to pious vses. & it is further ordred yt anie Master of a family
him selfe offending in swearing shall pay for eu9ie oath one pound of the
best Marchantable tobacco, And eu9ie notorious & incorigeable swearer
whome this order Cannot restraine, to be indited at ye sessions & wthout
any favor showne vnto him wth a red hott Iron to be burnt in ye tongue.
given at James Citty vnder my hand & signet of ye Colony this 2jth of
June 1622 And in ye sixteenth yeare of plantacion.

Francis Wyatt

A Proclamation against takeing boates wthout Leave & stealing of Oares

Throught the Iniurie yt is often done to ye owneres of boates by such as
take boates wthout leaue & for ye stealing of Oarℯ yt is ordred by me Sr
Francis Wyatt knight Gou9nor & Capt Generall of Virginia & ye rest of
ye Counsell. That if any freeman shall take away anie mans Boates
wthout Leaue or his Oares: Ancor Sayle or any thing belonging to the
Boate he shall forfeite fiue poundℯ halfe to ye owner & halfe to ye tresurie,
if hee be a seruant to be whipt. And hee that shall floate or Cut out


the marke of any oares shalbe Comitted as a fellon & so punished. Given
vnder my hand & Colony signet this 2j of June 1622 And in the Sixteenth
yeare of this plantacion

Francis Wyatt.