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The attribution of this poem is questionable.

O, look not, Lord, on my desert,
But on Thy glory; for Thou art
The mighty God, I a weak worm!
Destroy me not; but, O, reform!
Put me not to eternal shame,
Unfaithful steward as I am:
I have consumed Thy goods; yet, O,
Thy mercy, not Thy vengeance, show!
Suffer not an Egyptian night
To cover me, though long Thy light
I have despised; yet 'gainst vile clay
Do not Almighty power display.
God of compassion, Lord of love,
The vials of Thy wrath remove;
Look where the' atoning blood doth stand,
And quench Thy wrath, and stay Thy hand.
Thou art both Judge and Saviour, Lord,
Both life and death attend Thy word;
O, hear; O, spare me; O, forgive
Once more, and yet my soul shall live.