University of Virginia Library

Cloris landing at Berlington.

See, see! my Chloris

See, see! my Chloris, my Chloris comes in yonder Bark: Blow gently winds, for if ye sink that Ark, you'l drown the world with tears, and at one breath, give to us all a universal death: Hark, hark how Arion on a Dolphin playes, to my sweet Sheepherdess his roundelayes: See how the Sirens flock to wait upon her, as Queen of Love, and they her Maids of honor. Behold, Great Neptune's risen from the deep with all his Tritons, and begins to sweep the rugged waves into a smoother form, not leaving one small wrinkle of a storm:


Mark how the winds stand still, and on her gaze; See how her beauty doth the fish amaze; the Whales have begg'd this boon of wind and weather, that on their backs they may convey her hither; And see she Lands just like the rising Sun, that leaves the Brynie Lake when night is done: Fly, fly Amintor to thy Envi'd bliss, and let not th'Earth, rob thee of her greeting kiss.