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The Works of Thomas Campion

Complete Songs, Masques, and Treatises with a Selection of the Latin Verse: Edited with an introduction and notes by Walter R. Davis

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IX. The Farewell Song.

O stay! sweet is the least delay,
When parting forceth mourning:
O Joy! too soone thy flowers decay,
From Rose to Bryer returning.
Bright beames that now shine here,
When you are parted,
All will be dimme, all will be dumbe,
And every breast sad hearted.
Yet more, for true love may presume,
If it exceede not measure.
O griefe! that blest houres soone consume,
But joylesse pass at leasure.
Since wee this light must lose,
Our love expressing:
Farre may it shine, long may it live,
To all a publique blessing.