Poems, and phancies written By the Thrice Noble, Illustrious, And Excellent Princess The Lady Marchioness of Newcastle [i.e. Margaret Cavendish]. The Second Impression, much Altered and Corrected |
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A Battel between Courage and Prudence.
Courage against Prudence a Warr did make,For Rashness, her Foe's, but his Favourit's sake;
For Rashness 'gainst Queen Prudence had a Spight,
And did perswade Great Courage for to Fight;
Then Courage rais'd an Army Vast and Great,
Which for their Numbers Tamberlain might beat;
And Tossing Feathers which their Pride did blow;
Such Fiery Horses Men could hardly Wield,
And in this Equipage they took the Field;
Loud Noise spoke of this Army every where,
Untill at last it came to Prudence Ear;
Prudence a Councel call'd of all the Wise,
And Ag'd Experience, Her to advise;
Then Industry was call'd, which close did wait,
And Orders had to raise an Army strait;
But out, alas! her Kingdome was so Small,
That scarce an Army could be Rais'd of all;
At last they did about ten Thousand get,
And Care imployed was their Arms to fit;
Discipline train'd each Man, taught and Command,
How they should Move, and in what Posture stand;
Great store of Victuals Prudence did provide,
And Ammunition of all Sorts beside.
The Foot were Cloath'd in Coarse yet warm array,
Their Wages small, yet had they constant Pay;
Well-armed they were all, Breast, Back, and Pot,
Not for to Tyre them, but to keep out Shot;
Each had their Muskets, Pikes, and Banners right,
That nothing might be wanting for to Fight;
The Cavalry was Armed as in Frocks,
Gauntlets they had, and Pistols with Fire-locks,
Swords by their Sides, and at their Saddle Bow
Hung Pole-axes, to strike and give a Blow;
Horses they had, not Pamper'd in a Stable,
But from the Plow, which were both strong and able
For a long March, or to endure a Shock,
For they stood firm and quiet as a Rock,
But, as they're Guided, went from place to place;
Prudence for Men and Horses did provide
Physicians, Surgeons, Farriers, and Smiths beside,
Wagons and Carts all Luggages to bear,
That none might want when in the Field they were;
Strict Order she did give to every one,
Lest through mistake some wrong there might be done;
And as they March'd Scouts every way did go,
To bring Intelligence where lay the Foe;
And when the Army staid, some rest to take,
Prudence had Care what Sentinels to make;
Men that were Watchfull, full of Industry,
Not such as are Debaucht and Lazy lye;
For Armies oft by Negligence are lost,
Which, had they Fought might of their Valour boast:
But Prudence, she with Care still had an Eye,
That every one had Match and Powder by;
Besides, through a wise Care, and not afraid,
She always lay Intrenched where she stay'd:
At last the Armies both drew near in Sight,
Then both began to Order for their Fight;
Courage, his Army was so Vast and Great,
As they did Scorn the Enemy when they met;
Courage did many a Scornfull message send,
But Prudence still made Patience by her stand;
Prudence did call to Doubt for his advice,
But in his Answers he was very Nice;
Hope, of that Army great, did make but Light,
Perswaded Prudence by all means to Fight;
For why, said Hope, they do us so Despise,
That they grow Careless, Errour blinds their Eyes,
As we may win and many Prisoners take.
Then Prudence set her Army in array,
Chusing the Roman Custom and their way;
In Bodies Small her Army she did part,
In Mollops, which was done with Care and Art;
Ten in a Rank, and sev'n Files deep they were,
Between each part a Lane of Ground lay bare,
For Single and Loose Men about to run,
To Skirmish first before the Fight begun.
The Battel Order'd, in three Parts was set,
The next supplied, when the first Part was beat;
And Prudence Rode about from Rank to Rank,
Taking great Care to Strengthen well the Flank;
Prudence the Van did Lead, Hope the right Wing,
Patience the Left, and Doubt the Rear did bring;
The Enemy's Army feircely up did Ride,
As thinking presently them to Divide;
But they were much Deceiv'd, for when they met,
They saw an Army small, whose Force was great;
Then did they Fight, but Courage bore up high;
For though the worst he had, he Scorn'd to fly.
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