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Propetick Truth
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Propetick Truth

Truth saith, the Smoake out of Abyss should fly
And blinde the Sun. And this we finde,
The Sun of Righteousnessess Eye
This ages Smoake doth blinde.
Truth saith, they in the last dayes should give heed,
To Divells Doctrine, and to lies.
This age attends upon Such deeds
And doth Such things devise.


Theophylact by his rich black Art curst
Lifts Benit Eighth, to Peters Chaire.
And also John the twenty first.
Black Arts most matters Steere.
Benit the ninth, and Gregory the Sixth
And Seventh too, Curst Hildebrand
Were Arch Magitions; Chanting tricks
Were proper to their hand.
Hibert of Beems, William of Rochell I'le
And Wolfstan too of Worcester
These Bishops did their prancks defile
In black arts and such Coures Sir.
Women did Masses use for Charms, which thing,
Sal 'gunstade Synod did condemn.
Some Clarkes, for divinations bring
And Idols offer men.
The Emp'ress Chanegund greate Marbles brought
To build the Temple gay at Breams.
By th'Old Boy's hand: as we are taught.
Oh! how good doctrine Streams.
For pilgrimage, Saints Worship, Retald Sins
Maurilius Bish: of Rotomag
When dead, in th'Temple brought begins
This Doctrine from his bag.
Receive the last Speech of your Pastour Deare
By nature dead but am reviv'de,
To tell you what I saw. Fore here
I'st Soone of Life be Shriv'de.
My Guides Whose Cloaths, and looks most faire
And Speech most joyous were to mee
Promis'd me going Eastward rare
The Paradise of glee.
We bended Jordan Ward when we the Saints
Had worshipt at Jerusalem.
Our Company increast. Supplaints
Of Joy Sprang to me then.
And when I would the River Cross, they said
The Lord me Chargd my Veniall Sins
Not by Confession washt off laid,
Should now be purgd Strang things.


For feare conceivd at Demons Looks: and soon
Such host of horrid Spirits peare
Brandishing Spears most sharp and fume
Out Spewing firey geere.
And all the aire seemd iron, and flaming fire.
Where at I fell in horrid feare.
Consult your Safety, then this Crier
Said. And expired there.
And hear another touching prayres for such
As ly in purgatory pain.
And of Good Works, whose merits much
They say relieve the Same.
While Mass was Saying o're a Monks dead Clay.
He from the Beire leaps, God did curse.
A Cross to kiss was tenderd nay
He Spit upon. And worse.
Revild our Lady: Singers Scornd. Said hee
For Hells dread torments was ordaind.
At which the Monks from torments free
Themselves with Scourges maim'd.
They fall to beate their breasts, and poure out prayers.
The Wretched hell Scorcht Sinner now
Findes ease its said and so repares
And worthy things avows.
Christs power did praise, Satan renounc'd, adore
The Cross! Whoredom monkish shame.
Confesst: God praisd: in peace great Store
The next day dies again[.]
These and Such Divell Doctrines more too many
Filld with Satanick lies abound
Too many truely Such are any
But numberless are found.
Truth Styles Such Doctrine, Marriage Prohibition
And Prohibitions from Some meates.
Yet the Salgunstade Superstition
Some Seasons of them cheats[.]
In Lent and other Stated times they do
Forbid Some meats and none must wed.
Hellbrand all marri'd Priest drives fro
Their Work, or Wedlock bed,
The Truth did shew the Harlot deckt with Gold.
What hath been said makes good the Same.
The Roman Church is deckt with folds
Of Gold and Stones like flame.


Truth said a Beast out of the Earth should rise
With two horns like a lamb. We finde
The Romish Church two Sharp swords ties
Unto her Sides them minde.
Truth said, the Whore should ride the beast, and act
The power of the Pagan beast.
Romes Harlot Church the Beast hath backt.
And rides her West and East[.]
And all the Power of Pagan Rome She Claims
Sets up, plucks down: Kills, and revives.
Nobles, Kings, Emperours. She maims
Even at her Will their lives.
Truth said, the Lamb hornd Beast would bid them make
The Image of the First Beast and
It Worship, yea, She'l make it Spake
And bring to its Command.
Rome's Church doth So. The first Beasts Image bright
Is formd, and put into her hand
Imperialiality or Might
Her Shephards Staff doth Stand.
And this she makes all to adore who ere,
Small, Great, Subjects, Prince, Kings and Lords
And who won't bow the knee though Peere
Or King shall have a Coard.
And thus Dealt Hildebrand in lofty trade
With Henry the fourth, and his
Brave Princes whom he Outchurch laid
And Stript of Realm and bliss.
Truth said, the Whore on beast back in her hand
A Golden Cup held full of Filth.
We have this Cup seen as it Stands
Upon this Romish Shelfe.
It hath a long While filling been but yet
It will hold more. And more drops come.
While filth is found it falls in it.
Where lies the Totall Sum?
The one and twentieth John his nose did drop
John Baptist, and Saint Laurence eke
Their yearly Lent into this pot
For Christendom to keep.



Salgunstade's Synod's sirloine drops in't lay

The fortnight lents which go before
John Baptist day. And Christmass day.
And Vigill Lents good Store.
They fix the four greate annuary Lents
Upon their dayes when they begin.
Lent Weddens too their Crack-holes vent
Their Ne Sints Sweet therein.
The All-Souls Day Odilo's Daffling
Dropt in this Cup. Oh! liquour pure.
And Hildebrand's a Quackmoire Spring
Into it venting Store.
He taps his Spring, and hence these Streams in't trick
Let no one of a Laick take
An Abby or a Bishopprick.
It's Symony. Off Shake't.
Receive not Fornicators t'office trust.
The Marri'de Minister he means.
It's Nicolaitison busht
By Peter Damian's Streams.
Who either of these things shall ever do
Let Excommunicated bee.
And Such with Such partake that do,
Shall Share of this decree.
Let none on Sabbath dayes eat flesh but let
Such as do teach unlawfull is.
To work on Sabbath dayes be Set
Condemned quite for this.
These drops fall from his nose into this Cup.
Also Liberiu's Holyday,
Hee drew herein, whom others put
With Hereticks, and lay.
But most of all his frollick juyce doth run;
And drops an Emperour in to't.
And Empire too that fall in't plumb,
Examples of good note.
New orders now of Monkery oreflow
And drop herein. John Gualbert drops
Umbrosa Vallis in't and so
New Monkery up hops[.]
Stephen Avern drops them of Grandimont
Into this Cup, and Bruno cast