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How bright and joyous nature bloomed
Beneath a vernal sky,
Ere he who won my heart had doomed
That heart alone to sigh.
But love of fame inspired his breast,
And now in fields afar,
With crimsoned blade, and towering crest,
He seeks the din of war.
High o'er the field, in martial pride,
His starry banner waves,
Where heroes stem the battle tide,
Or sink in hallowed graves!
There, mid the rude and maddening clash,
Of Havoc's vengeful steel,
His falchion gleams, the lightning flash
That leads the thunder peal.
His deeds shall live in story,
He strikes in Freedom's name,
For country, home, and glory,
Inspired by love and fame!


Rude was the shock! the squadrons close!
And freemen win the field!
On! victors, on! pursue your foes!
But spare them when they yield.
Relieved from sterner duty,
The hero now may claim
The sweetest smiles of beauty,
With Freedom, Love, and Fame.