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Well, they have all departed,—the false friends,
With all the illusive hopes that led astray,
To dream and madness!—and the struggle ends!
I shall be free, at least the rest o' the day:—
Unloved shall be unflatter'd; and, alone,
Be safe from the poisoner, who feeds the ear
That he may drug the senses with a lie,
Suck'd from most innocent sources. Now they're gone,
I wonder how I suffer'd them so near;
More wonder why I wept to see them fly!
But credulous hearts sleep ever over-late,
And wake to the loss of half their better hours;
See the sun sink, that should be throned in state,
And rage in impotent fury against Fate,
To whom they charge the robbery of their powers,
That simply had been drugg'd by friendly cares,
Mock'd by conceit and credulous length of ears.