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Sec. 193. Unlawful assemblages in the streets or elsewhere.

The assembling and collecting together of persons on the streets
in such manner as to block up and obstruct free passage shall
not be permitted, and it shall be the duty of the police to disperse
such assemblages.

The assembling or collecting of persons on private premises
in such unusual numbers as to excite suspicion shall not be
permitted, and it shall be the duty of the police to disperse such
assemblages, and to arrest such members of the assemblage as
have been guilty of disorder as defined in § 195.

Premises whereon such assemblages gather shall, when tenants


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of near-by houses are disturbed, or for similar reasons,
be deemed disorderly, and the owner may, and the occupants
shall, be held responsible under penalties not exceeding $5 for
each offense.

Any and all persons refusing to disperse after being required
to do so by any officer shall be fined not less than $5 nor more
than $20.