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Page 196


FRANCIS HENRY SMITH, M. A., LL. D.,  Emeritus Professor of Natural Philosophy. 
WILLIAM MORRIS FONTAINE, M. A.,  Professor of Geology and Mineralogy. 
WILLIAM MYNN THORNTON, LL. D.,  Professor of Applied Mathematics. 
FRANCIS PERRY DUNNINGTON, B. S., C. E.,  Professor of Analytical Chemistry. 
JOHN WILLIAM MALLET, M. D., Ph. D., LL. D., F. R. S.,  Professor of General and Industrial Chemistry. 
WILLIAM HOLDING ECHOLS, B. S., C. E.,  Professor of Pure Mathematics. 
JAMES MORRIS PAGE, M. A., Ph. D.,  Professor of Pure Mathematics. 
ROBERT MONTGOMERY BIRD, Ph. D.,  Professor of Inorganic Chemistry. 
THOMAS LEONARD WATSON, Ph. D.,  Professor of Economic Geology. 
LEWIS LITTLEPAGE HOLLADAY, B. S.,  Adjunct Professor of Electrical Engineering. 
CHARLES MILLAR McKERGOW, M. S.,  Adjunct Professor of Mechanical Engineering. 
JOHN LLOYD NEWCOMB, A. B., C. E.,  Adjunct Professor of Civil Engineering. 
LLEWELLYN GRIFFITH HOXTON, M. A.,  Adjunct Professor of Physics. 


Page 197
JOHN WINFREE WEST, M. E.,  Instructor in Drawing. 
WALTER JONES LAIRD,  Instructor in Shop-Work. 
G. F. RADCLIFFE JACKSON,  Assistant in Shop-Work. 
JOHN MORIN GALLALEE,  Assistant in Shop-Work. 
JOHN JENNINGS LUCK, M. A.,  Instructor in Mathematics. 
WILLIAM BEVERLEY STONE, M. A., Ph. D.,  Instructor in Mathematics. 
JAMES NEWTON MICHIE, B. A.,  Instructor in Mathematics. 
CHARLES WATSON GIVENS, B. A.,  Instructor in Mathematics. 
HARRY CLO, M. S.,  Instructor in Physics. 
WILSON STANLEY BUTLER, B. A.,  Instructor in Physics. 
STANLEY REEVES, B. A.,  Assistant in Physics. 
CHARLES METCALFE BYRNES, B. S., M. D.,  Assistant in Chemistry. 
STAPLETON DABNEY GOOCH,  Assistant in Chemistry. 
TURNER MOREHEAD HARRIS, A. B.,  Assistant in Chemistry. 
BERNARD HEWETT KYLE, B. S.,  Assistant in Chemistry. 
COLIN MACKENZIE MACKALL,  Assistant in Chemistry. 


The Department of Engineering is conducted by a Faculty of
twenty-nine professors and other instructors. It furnishes complete
four-year courses leading to degrees in each of the four great divisions
of Engineering—Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, and Mining. Their
common basis is the axiom that clear understanding and firm grasp
of scientific principles furnish the only sure foundation for the labors
of the modern scientific engineer. Their aim is to secure:

First, thorough drill in Pure and Applied Mathematics, without
which no engineer can justly pretend to a sound knowledge of his

Second, broad, accurate and thorough training in those Pure and
Applied Sciences,
of which rational engineering is simply the concrete

Third, adequate knowledge of the Special Elective Topics, which
constitute the subject matter of each great division of Engineering

The methods of instruction employed to effect this aim are thorough,
rational, and modern. The courses are given by the joint use
of text-books and lectures. They are made objective by parallel practical
courses in the drafting room, the shop, the laboratory and the
field. They are enforced by daily oral examinations, by frequent
written reviews, by copious exercises in drafting and computation,
and by abundant illustration from experiments and specimens. At
the end of each term the student's mastery of the course is tested
by a rigid written examination, and his fitness for graduation is
judged by the combined result of term work and examination grades.


Page 198
The object pursued throughout is to give to the thoughtful student
an intelligent mastery of scientific method and with this aim in view
certain departures have been made from the more ordinary routine
processes of engineering education.

The Drafting Exercises are not separated from and independent
of the theoretical studies, designed to give merely a technical mastery
of the draftman's tools. They run parallel with the lecture course,
and are used to illustrate and enforce its lessons. Each problem assigned
is made, if possible, an exercise not only in drawing but in
design, and serves to cultivate power of analysis as well as manual

The Laboratory Exercises begin with the beginning of the Student's
work and continue to the end. Like the drafting exercises they
run parallel with the lecture course, or are the objective prelude to it.
As far as is possible each student verifies for himself by actual tests
and measurements the fundamental laws of engineering science.

The Field-work is planned to secure in every candidate for a degree
in Civil Engineering or in Mining Engineering thorough understanding
of the standard field instruments and rapidity and precision
in their use. It occupies the afternoon hours of both the Fall and
Spring terms of the first two years. Students of Civil Engineering
have also extended courses in railway surveying and location as part
of their elective work. Students of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering
are given a shorter course, occupying the afternoon hours
of the Spring Term of the first year.

The Shop-work is planned for engineers rather than for artisans.
It aims to secure in every candidate for a degree in Mechanical or
Electrical Engineering intelligent ideas as to the action of hand tools,
the construction and uses of machine tools, and the characteristic
properties of constructive materials. In executing the required exercises
the student acquires not only a certain manual dexterity but
sound conceptions of the meaning and necessity of precision in workmanship.
It is deemed unwise, however, to divert the energy and
interest of the student from the higher problems of his calling in
the vain hope of making him a skilled mechanic.


The following condensed summary gives by title the various
courses of study offered in the Engineering Department, arranged in
an orderly curriculum of four years. Those courses, for which no
special note is given, must be taken by all candidates for degrees.
The special elective courses are in each case followed by a note,
showing the degree for which they are required. The name of the


Page 199
professor and the lecture hour follow in brackets after each title;
Arabic numbers are for lectures on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday;
Roman for lectures on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday.

The courses are so ordered that the specified entrance requirements are
adequate for the work of the First Year. Each succeeding year presupposes
the completion of the work for all the foregoing years. Students
are advised to adhere strictly to the regular programmes.
The arrangements
specified in them have been carefully planned and are the best.
Haphazard election is discouraged and in extreme cases will be prohibited.
No student will be registered for a course unless in the opinion both
of the Dean and of the professor his preliminary training has fitted him
for the successful pursuit of that course.

Students are especially advised against the attempt to crowd too
many studies into their scheme of work, and are warned that admission
to advanced courses will be granted only to those who have
adequate mathematical and scientific training to profit by them. Men
overloaded with work, too great in volume or in difficulty for their
powers, suffer inevitable discouragement and incur almost certain


Page 200



Hour  Mon. Wed. Fri.  Tues. Thurs. Sat.  Hour 
Applied Mathematics 4  Applied Mathematics 3 
Mathematics 1 
10  Applied Mathematics 1  Applied Mathematics 2  10 
Physics 2  Analytical Chemistry 1 
Chemistry 1 
11  Mathematics 2  Physics 1  11 
Electrical Engineering 1  Electrical Engineering 2 
Civil Engineering 1  Civil Engineering 2 
12  Economic Geology 1  Mechanical Engineering 1  12 
Drawing 1  Drawing 2 
Mechanical Laboratory 2  Chemical Laboratory 1 
Economic Geology 2  Mechanical Engineering 2 
Drawing 1  Mining Engineering 
Mechanical Laboratory 2  Drawing 2 
Chemical Laboratory 1 
3—5.30  Chemistry 2: lectures 3—4.30; Mon. Wed. Fri.  3—5.30 
Mechanical Laboratory (material and machine tests). 
Shop Work (Fall and Winter) Field Work (Fall and Spring). 


Page 201


The work of this course is designed for students who have satisfied
the standard entrance requirements in Algebra and Geometry.
Only students who have accomplished this amount of preparatory
work will be admitted to it.

Pure Mathematics 1. [Page, IX.]

The Fall Term is given to a vigorous review of Solid Geometry,
the Winter Term to Plane and Spherical Trigonometry, the Spring
Term to Higher Algebra (Series, Determinants, Theory of Equations,
and the Solution of Numerical Equations of the higher degrees).
Numerous original exercises are set for solution. The class is subdivided
into sections, so that every student receives constant and
vigorous drill. Those who show defective preparation in the daily
orals and monthly written tests are required to take extra review
lessons with the instructors. The ordinary High School course in
Solid Geometry is not an equivalent for the work of the Fall Term in
this class. Students who venture to omit this often fail in Descriptive

Applied Mathematics 1. [Thornton, 10.]

In this class the topics studied are Surveying, Mechanical Drawing,
Descriptive Geometry,
and Shades and Shadows and Perspective.
In the Fall Term Mechanical Drawing and the construction, use and
adjustment of the Level, the Transit, and the Compass are taught.
In the Winter Term the time is given to Descriptive Geometry and
the Theory of Computations of Surveying. In the Spring Term the
work is on Shades and Shadows and Perspective, and on the more
advanced topics of Stadia Surveying, Mine Surveying, City Surveying,
and engineering methods for the determination of Latitude,
Azimuth and Time. One lecture a week throughout the year is given
to the Surveying.

Chemistry 1. [Bird, X.]

In this class the topics studied are the fundamental principles
and the significant phenomena of Inorganic, Organic, and Physical
The foundations of qualitative analysis are taught at
appropriate places throughout the course. No previous study of
chemistry is demanded; but for students who have received preliminary
instruction in a chemical laboratory, exercises of a somewhat
more advanced type are assigned. The engineering students


Page 202
are taught in a special section, the work of which has appropriate
reference to engineering problems.

Drawing 1. [West, 12—2.]

In this course the student executes each week under the personal
supervision of the instructor a plate 15 by 20 inches, the entire
course consisting of thirty such plates. The work is first completely
finished in pencil. It is then submitted to the instructor, who notes
all errors whether of principle or technique, and returns the plate
to the student for correction. After the plate has been corrected
by the student and approved by the instructor, it is carefully finished
in ink by the student and handed in for grading. The Fall Term
is given to Mechanical Drawing, the Winter Term to Topographical
and the Spring Term to Shades and Shadows and Perspective

Shop-Work 1. Required for M. E. and E. E. [Instructors; Afternoon

The Fall Term is given to Wood-work, the Winter Term to
Pattern-making. The class is divided into sections, each containing
not over sixteen men. These are carefully drilled by competent instructors
in the use of hand tools, the accurate execution of the
standard joints used in construction, the use of the lathe, and the
operation of the simpler machine-tools for wood-working. The principles
of moulding are then taught, and the analysis of patterns and
core boxes is carefully given. The student is then required to execute
for himself a number of simple examples of typical patterns. In the
Spring Term the class is broken up into squads of five men and each
squad is carefully drilled in the use and adjustments of the most
important field instruments and in Plane Surveying. Special attention
is given to such exercises as are of peculiar interest and value
to Mechanical and Electrical Engineers.

Field-Work 1. Required for C. E. and E. M. [Instructors; Afternoon

The class is divided into squads of five men and each squad is
placed in charge of a competent instructor. Careful individual drill
is then given first in the setting up of the instruments, next in the
use of the instruments for measurement of lengths, elevations, angles
and azimuths. All the fundamental problems of Field Engineering
are thus solved on the ground and the men are carefully taught the
best methods of executing the surveys, keeping the notes, and reducing


Page 203
the observations. In the Fall Term the squads are practised
in Leveling, Traversing, and Land Surveying. In the Spring Term
they are taught the Location of Simple Curves, Slope-staking for
Earthworks, and Topographical Surveying. In the Winter Term the
time is given to instruction in Computation, in Platting surveys and
profiles, and in the use of the Planimeter and of the Pantograph.
At the end of each term a careful practical examination is given to
every student on the adjustments and uses of the instruments employed
in his work.


The necessary preparation for the successful pursuit of this
course is the completion of the First Year Course, or its equivalent,
and for students with only this amount of training the diligent study
of Mathematics 2 is essential to progress in the other classes.

Pure Mathematics 2. [Echols, 11.]

The Fall Term is given to the Analytical Geometry of the point,
the straight line, the circle, and the conic sections. During the Winter
Term the study of the Differential Calculus is taken up with its
applications to the geometry of the plane curves. In the Spring Term
the Integral Calculus and its geometrical applications are studied.
The methods of instruction are the same as in Mathematics 1.
Numerous original exercises are set for solution and the progress
of the student is constantly tested by oral examinations and by written

Applied Mathematics 2. [Thornton. X.]

The studies of this class furnish an introduction to Theoretical
and Applied Mechanics. The Fall Term is given to a course in
General Mechanics, in which the fundamental doctrines of motion,
force, and energy are developed and applied to the study of the
simpler problems in the Statics and Dynamics of material particles
and rigid bodies. In the Winter Term the general method of Graphical
is developed and applied to the study of the strength of materials
and to the analysis of engineering structures. In the Spring
Term a course is given in Hydrostatics in which the fundamental
propositions concerning the equilibrium and pressure of fluids are
carefully developed and applied to a series of important problems.
The elementary principles of Hydraulics are also taught.

Physics 1. [Hoxton, XI.]

The Fall Term is devoted to the study of Experimental Mechanics
and Sound.
In the Winter Term the topics followed are Light and
The Spring Term is given to an elementary course in Elec-


Page 204
tricity and Magnetism. The lecture course is paralleled by a carefully
planned laboratory course of six hours per week, in which the
student is taught the methods and routine of physical measurements
and learns to verify for himself the great laws of experimental

Drawing 2. [West, XII-II.]

The Fall Term in this course is given to Machine Drawing, the
Winter Term to Graphical Statics, and the Spring Term to Structural
Drawing and Design.
The student executes each week under the
direction of the instructor a plate 15 by 20 inches, the subjects being
as far as possible so chosen as to illustrate and enforce the associated
lecture courses. The entire course comprises thirty plates.

Shop-Work 2. Required for M. E. and E. E. [Instructors; Afternoon

The Fall Term is given to the Machine Shop, the Winter Term
to the Foundry. The preliminary exercises with hand tools for chipping,
filing, and scraping are followed by careful instruction as to
the construction of the engine lathe and practice in its use. The
other machine tools of fundamental importance are then studied in
the same way and practical exercises are given on the shaper, planer,
drill press, milling machine, and grinding machine. In the Foundry
the methods of tempering the sand, making moulds of green sand
and of loam, and moulding and baking cores are then taught. Finally,
each squad is practised in the management of the cupola and in taking
off a heat.

Field-Work 2. Required for C. E. and E. M. [Instructors; Afternoon

The methods of instruction are the same as these described in
detail under Field-work 1. The exercises of the Fall Term include
advanced problems in Curve Location, Stadia Surveying, and the
Location of the True Meridian. In the Spring Term the squads are
taught how to take observations for Latitude, Azimuth, and Time
with the Complete Transit and with the Solar Transit, and are
practised in the routine of Base Measurements and Triangulation, and
in Barometric Leveling. The course terminates with a thorough
practical examination on the adjustments and uses of the field instruments
of the engineer.


Page 205

Mechanical Laboratory 1. [McKergow and Instructors; Afternoon

The class is divided into squads so small that each man receives
the personal care of an instructor. The work of the Fall Term consists
in a careful study of the standard methods for testing Hydraulic
In the Winter Term a similar course is given in Timber
with both small specimens and full sized beams. In the Spring
Term the principal Metals used in Construction are taken up and
tested for strength, elasticity and other important properties.


Only students who have a good working knowledge of the
Calculus and of Mechanics are admitted to the studies of this year,
and for these the work of Applied Mathematics 3 is an essential to
success in the technical engineering courses.

Applied Mathematics 3. [Thornton, IX.]

The studies of this class constitute a more advanced course in
Applied Mechanics. The Fall Term is given to Strength of Materials,
the Winter Term to the Stability of Structures and the Spring Term
to Hydraulics and Hydraulic Motors. Associated with the lecture
courses are abundant practical exercises in computation and in laboratory
measurements and stream gaugings.

Economic Geology 1. [Watson, 12.] Required for C. E. and E. M.

The studies of this class constitute a course in General Geology
designed to meet the especial needs of the Engineering student. The
divisions of Dynamical, Structural, and Physiographical Geology are
covered in considerable detail. Special emphasis is given to the instruction
on the common rock-forming minerals and rocks, building
stones and ores. Three lectures are given each week, with nine
additional hours for laboratory and field work and private study.
To gain the full benefit of this course some preliminary knowledge
of Physical Geography is essential. Students of Civil and Mining
Engineering are advised to devote the Summer Vacation of the Second
Year to a thorough review of this important topic.

Physics 2. [Hoxton, 10.] Required for E. E.

This course is a more advanced study of Electricity and Magnetism.
It is based on the lessons of Physics 1, and requires also such


Page 206
knowledge of the calculus as is given in Pure Mathematics 2. The
Fall Term is devoted to the theory and practice of Electrical Measurements,
the Winter Term gives a conspectus of the Mathematical
Theory of Electricity,
and in the Spring Term the work is upon
Magnetic Induction and its measurement and applications. The laboratory
course runs parallel with the lecture course and is so arranged
as to give a good working knowledge of the theoretical problems
met in the practice of the Electrical Engineer.

Civil Engineering 1. [Newcomb, 11.] Required for C. E.

The Fall Term is given to Railway Engineering. The methods
of the reconnaissance, preliminary survey, office location, and field
location are developed in the lectures and illustrated in the field, a
complete series of maps, profiles, plans, and estimates being worked
out from the actual surveys. This is followed by a minute study of
the construction, maintenance, and operation of a modern railway.
In the Winter Term the standard types of Steel and Timber Bridges
are analyzed; the rules and formulae for design are developed and
applied; and each student makes a complete design for a bridge with
all the necessary computations and drawings. In the Spring Term
the topics studied are Public Roads, City Streets, and Street Railways.
The most improved methods of construction are discussed
and the students are drilled in the laboratory on the best tests for
road-building materials.

Mechanical Engineering 1. [McKergow, XII.] Required for M. E.

In the Fall Term the dynamical and thermodynamical problems
of the Steam Engine are studied and the results are applied to the
detailed design of a projected engine. The Winter Term is devoted
to Machine Design; the fundamental principles of the kinematics of
machines are established and on these is based a careful study of the
design and construction of toothed gearing, pulley gearing, shafting,
geared machine parts, and the fastenings for the same. In the Spring
Term the topic is Steam Boilers. All standard types are studied in
detail and the problems of the operation and management of boiler
plants are discussed. Parallel work is required in the drafting room,
the laboratories, and the shops.

Electrical Engineering 1. [Holladay, 11.] Required for E. E. and
M. E.

The work of the Fall Term includes the fundamental principles
of Electrical Engineering and their application to the theory of


Page 207
Direct Current Machines, with parallel laboratory exercises. The
Winter Term is devoted to the design and operation of Direct Current
Generators and Motors;
the student at the same time determines
in the laboratory the characteristics and constants of such machines.
The Spring Term is used for a preliminary survey of the principles
of Alternating Currents and their chief technical applications, with
laboratory studies of Alternating Current apparatus and machines.

Analytical Chemistry 1. [Dunnington, X.] Required for E. M.

A course in Chemical Manipulation is first given. The class then
takes up in order Blowpipe Analysis, the Fire Assaying of Ores of
Lead and Gold and Silver, and a systematic study of Inorganic Qualitative
This is followed by practice in the analysis of salts,
alloys, and ores; the determination of minerals; the examination
of waters, coals, limestones, clays, and so on; and a few of the
simpler quantitative determinations. Weekly written exercises are
required. Three lectures are given each week, and after every lecture
the student spends about four hours in practical work in the laboratory.

Mechanical Laboratory 2. [McKergow and Instructors, 12-2.]

As in Mechanical Laboratory 1 the class is divided into squads
so small that each man receives the personal care of an instructor.
The Fall Term is given to an advanced course in the Strength of
the problems assigned being such as to call for some
elementary research work on the part of the student. The Winter
Term is devoted to a laboratory course in Hydraulic Measurements,
in which tests are made of pressure, buoyancy, efflux and pipe flow
with various practical applications. In the Spring Term a field
course is given in Hydrographic Surveying, including the measurements
of surface grades, cross-sections and velocities in river channels
and the determination of discharges, friction factors, and velocity


To the studies of this year only those men are admitted who
have completed the required work in Pure Mathematics and have a
good knowledge of Mechanics. Courses 2 and 3 in Applied Mathematics
are essential for success in the technical engineering courses.

Applied Mathematics 4. [Thornton, 9.]

This course constitutes a complete survey of Analytical Mechanics.
The Fall Term is given to Analytical Statics, the Winter Term to


Page 208
the Dynamics of a Particle, the Spring Term to the Dynamics of a
Rigid Body.
For illustrative material use is made not only of such
classical topics as harmonic motion, projectile motion, planetary
motion, meteoric motion, motion in resisting media and so on; but
examples are taken also from engineering practice in the Kinematics
of Machines, the Dynamics of the Steam Engine, the Balancing of
Single and Coupled Engines, and others of the great problems of
scientific engineering.

Chemistry 2. [Mallet, 3.]

This course in Industrial Chemistry is concerned with the application
of chemistry to the arts and manufactures. Among the topics
discussed are the metallurgy of iron, steel, copper, tin, aluminum, and
the precious metals; the manufacture of limes and cements, bricks,
artificial stones, and other building materials; the chemistry of explosives,
lubricants, paints, and other preservatives. The lectures are
copiously illustrated by charts and drawings and by specimens furnished
from an extensive and costly Museum of Industrial Chemistry.

Economic Geology 2. [Watson, 1.] Required for E. M.

This course deals specifically with Economic Geology, the course
in Economic Geology 1 or an equivalent being prerequisite. It is designed
to give a general but comprehensive account of the origin,
distribution and uses of the metallic and non-metallic products of the
earth, with especial reference to those of the United States. Three
lectures are given each week and nine additional hours are allowed for
laboratory work, field surveys, collateral reading, and private study.

Civil Engineering 2. [Newcomb, XI.] Required for C. E.

Masonry Construction is studied in the Fall Term. The materials
used, the methods of inspection and testing, the standard specifications
for the work, and the analysis and design of walls, piers and
arches are minutely discussed. The methods for the construction of
foundations are thoroughly studied; and the design and execution of
works in reenforced concrete receive adequate attention. In the
Winter Term the topics are Water-works and Sewers. The collection,
purification, conveyance, and distribution of city water supplies are
discussed. The problems of city sewerage and sewage disposal are
also carefully investigated. The Spring Term is given to a study of
Long Span Bridges. The more intricate designs of simple trusses
are examined and the cantilever bridge, the steel arch, the continuous
girder, and the swing bridge are analyzed. Each student is required
to work out the stress sheets and the general drawings for some
specified type of long span bridge.


Page 209

Mechanical Engineering 2. [McKergow, I.] Required for M. E.

The Fall Term begins with a review of the principles of hydraulics
and applies them to a thorough study of the design and construction
of such Hydraulic Machines as presses, pumps, motors, and hydraulic
power transmissions. The subject of the Winter Term is Mechanical
Power Plants;
the location of such plants, the choice of units, and the
lay-out are discussed, and one or more typical plants designed. The
Spring Term is given to Locomotive Engineering, and studies the
operation, performance, construction, and design of steam locomotives;
special attention being given to the balance of the machine
and to the valve gears.

Electrical Engineering 2. [Holladay, XI.] Required for E. E.

The Fall Term is given to a more advanced study of Alternating
Current Phenomena
as they present themselves in Transformers,
Induction Motors, Alternators, Synchronous Motors, and Rotary Converters.
In the Winter Term the phenomena of Electric Transmissions
for Light and for Power
at both high and low voltages are
studied, together with electric incandescent and are lamps and their
photometry. The Spring Term is devoted to Electric Traction including
the study of motor capacity and design, train performance,
controllers, brakes, power houses, sub-stations, transmission, rolling
stock, roads, and the economics of the electric railway. The laboratory
exercises run parallel with the lectures through the entire course.

Mining Engineering. [Thornton, I.] Required for E. M.

The topics studied are in the Fall Term the Exploitation of Mines;
included are the principles to be observed in prospecting; the opening
of the mine; the extraction of the mineral; timbering and lighting;
mine explosions and other accidents; mine surveys and maps
and plans: in the Winter Term Mining Machinery; including the central
power plant and power transmission; the machinery for haulage
hoisting, drainage, and ventilation; and for hydraulic mining, quarrying
and ore dressing: in the Spring Term the uses of Electricity in
for power, light, and signaling.

Thesis Work.

Every candidate for a degree in Engineering will be required at
the beginning of his graduating year to submit to the Dean some
subject for independent study suited to the student's especial course
and aims. After such subject has been approved by the Dean and
the Professor in charge, the student will be expected to carry out


Page 210
for himself the necessary literary and laboratory researches and to
present his results in the form of a thesis. Such thesis must be
typewritten on standard sheets, 8 by 10½ inches, bound in a proper
cover, and handed in for final approval not later than May 25th.
All necessary computations and drawings must accompany the thesis.
Serious weight will be given to this work in estimating the student's
fitness for graduation.


The material equipment of the University of Virginia for practical
instruction in engineering studies is abundant and excellent. The policy,
steadily followed in assembling it, has been to purchase only what
was of the best quality and best adapted for the purposes of the
zealous and intelligent student.

The drafting rooms are abundantly lighted and are provided with
solidly constructed tables with locked drawers for instruments and materials.
Each student is assigned to a table and has a drawer for his exclusive
use. The classes of the First and Second years execute each one
plate a week under the supervision of the Instructor in Drawing. The
more advanced students have such drawings assigned by their respective
professors as are needed for the full development of the courses of study.

Careful attention is given to the training of the students in lettering,
in the conventional signs of mechanical drawing, in the proper lay-out of
drawings, and in neat and accurate execution. Exercises are required also
in tracing and in blue-printing, the rooms for which are conveniently
arranged and in close contiguity to the drafting rooms. While, however,
technical dexterity is demanded, the graphical method is taught and used
primarily as a powerful and indispensable instrument of research, the
thoughtful mastery of which is essential for the instructed Engineer.

The construction and theory of the Polar Planimeter, the Slide Rule,
and the Pantograph are carefully taught, and the student is trained in the
practical use of these appliances for the rapid and accurate production of
estimates and copies from finished drawings.

The Shop Equipment is throughout of the best quality, the machines
being all from good makers and of sizes ample for the purposes of
instruction. A full outfit of hand tools is maintained at all times. Each
shop is equipped for the instruction of a squad of sixteen students, this being
as large a number as one instructor can properly direct at once. The Machine
is provided with four first-class engine lathes, illustrating the
practice of the best American makers; with a planer, a shaper, two drill
presses, a universal drilling machine (Brown and Sharpe), and a universal
grinder (same makers); also with a gas forge for tempering tools, a cut-off
saw for metal rods, an emery wheel, and so on. The Wood Shop is furnished


Page 211
with several small lathes, a large pattern maker's lathe, a jointer, a planer,
a saw bench for slitting and cross-cutting, a band-saw, a jig-saw, and a
wood trimmer for pattern making. The Foundry has a cupola furnace for
working cast iron, a brass furnace, a core oven, and all needful accessories
for moulding and casting; the blast for the cupola is furnished by a special
blower, driven by a small high-speed steam engine. The Forge Room is
equipped with Buffalo down-draft forges; and the necessary smith's tools;
the draft is furnished by the same blower, and the exhaust is operated by a
fan driven also by the engine. Shop instruction is given for its educational
value. The purpose of this Department is to train engineers, not
artisans; and the claims of the shops are not permitted to infringe on the
truly vital functions of the laboratories, the drafting rooms, and the

The outfit of Field-Instruments contains compasses, transits, and
levels of various approved makes; a solar transit, furnished also with
stadia wires and gradienter for tachymetric work; hand-levels and clinometers
for railway topography; a plane table; a sextant; together with an
adequate supply of levelling rods, telemeter rods, signal poles, chains,
tapes, pins, and so on. For hydraulic work and hydrographic surveys a
hook gauge and a current meter are provided. All students are instructed
in the theory and adjustments of the field-instruments and in their practical
use in the field. They are also required to make up their field-books
in standard forms; to reduce their surveys and execute all the necessary
profiles, plans, and maps; and to determine lengths, areas, and volumes
both from the maps and from the original notes. A polar planimeter is
provided for facilitating such estimates and a pantagraph for making reduced
copies of finished drawings.


The Sinclair Laboratory for work in Strength of Materials.—This
was founded on the original donation of Mrs. John Sinclair, of New
York City, as a memorial to her late husband. The collection has since
been considerably enlarged. It contains Riehle and Olsen machines, each
of 100,000 pounds capacity, arranged for tensile, compressive, and transverse
tests; an Olsen torsion machine of 50,000 inch pounds capacity; an
Olsen compression machine of 40,000 pounds capacity; a Ewing tester for
the elasticity of rods; hand machines for testing rods and wires and small
specimens of timber and cast iron under transverse loads; Fairbanks and
Olsen cement testers of 1,000 pounds capacity each; apparatus for torsional
tests on both long wires and short wires; together with the necessary
accessory apparatus for utilizing these machines.

The Scott Laboratory of Electrical Engineering.—This laboratory
was equipped and endowed by Mrs. Frances Branch Scott, of Richmond,
Va., as a memorial to her late son, an alumnus of this University.


Page 212
In addition to full sets of electric meters with the appliances for testing
and calibrating them, galvanometers of the best modern types, standard
cells and resistances, standard condensers, and all other necessary apparatus
for minor tests, it contains numerous pieces of the very best construction.
Such are the Wolff potentiometer, the Siemens and Halske
Double Bridge, the Magnetic Induction apparatus, the Duddell Oscillograph,
the Station Photometer, and so on. It contains also a number of
direct current generators and motors, a two-phase alternator, induction
motors of two and three phases, several pairs of transformers, and all the
apparatus used in testing such machines.

The Steam Engine Tests are made on the high-speed Ball engine,
which operates the shops. This motor has been specially equipped for the
purpose. It receives steam from the main line through a Sweet separator;
humidity determinations are thus made twice—once by a separating calorimeter
before the steam enters the separator, and again by a throttling
calorimeter as it enters the cylinder. It is fitted with proper indicators,
and permanent indicator rigging so that at any time cards may be taken
and the indicated horse-power determined. In like manner a rope friction
brake is so arranged that it may be at once applied for the determination
of brake horse-power. Connections are so made with a Wheeler surface
condenser that the engine may at will be operated either condensing or
non-condensing. Provisions are made for measuring the temperatures and
the amounts of the condensation water and the condensed steam produced
during the run. With these data a complete heat balance of the experimental
run is attainable.

For Steam Boiler Tests the boilers of the University heating and
lighting plant are available. The department is equipped with the necessary
apparatus—thermometers, gauges, steam calorimeters, fuel calorimeters,
gas analyzers, scales, tanks, and so on. Students of Mechanical
Engineering are taught by practical lessons in the boiler room the standard
methods for boiler trials, and the class makes each session at least one
complete trial.

The Gas Engine Tests are made on an Otto machine of 15 I. H. P.
and 12 B. H. P. This also is provided with its friction brake, indicator
rigging, and indicator. The cooling water is run in from calibrated tanks
and provision is made for observing not only its amount but the initial
and final temperatures. Gasolene or alcohol is used as fuel, and is run
in from a graduated wrought-iron bottle, so that the amount consumed is
determined. The heating power is obtained by an independent test with
a Rosenhain calorimeter. Samples of the burnt gases are drawn from the
exhaust pipe and analyzed in an Orsat gas apparatus. The temperature of
the exhaust will be determined by a platinum resistance thermometer
inserted close to the exhaust valve. With these data and the observed
numbers of revolutions and explosions the heat balance is worked out.


Page 213

The Refrigerating Tests are made on a Remington Ice Machine of
one ton capacity. This is an ammonia compression machine driven by an
electric motor. Instead of brine, plain water is used, heated by a steam
jet to 100° and then cooled down to 40° by the machine. A run is first
made with the pipes empty in order to determine the friction horse power.
The ammonia is then turned on and the run is made under load. In both
cases the power consumed is measured both by watt-meter and by ammeter
and volt-meter readings. The tanks are accurately calibrated and
careful measurements of the temperature are made through the run.
Indicator cards are also taken from the ammonia cylinders and the number
of revolutions is registered by counter. With these data the mechanical
and thermodynamic performance of the machine are figured out.

In the Road Material Tests the machines used are mainly those
devised by Dr. Logan Waller Page, director of the United States office of
public roads. For measuring the strength of the stone cylindrical samples
are cut out with a diamond drill and tested under impact and in the
40,000-pound compression machine. The resistance to abrasion is measured
on fragments of the stone, rotated in heavy cast iron cylinders
mounted on their diagonals. The binding power of the dust is measured
by impact tests on cylindrical briquettes formed under heavy hydraulic
pressure. The dust for these briquettes is produced in a ball mill fed with
fine stone broken in a small crusher. This part of the testing outfit has
been only recently installed, largely by the generous aid of Dr. Page. It is
hoped that useful experimental researches on the road-building rocks and
gravels of Virginia may be carried out with it.


The buildings devoted wholly or in part to the work of the Department
of Engineering are the following:

The Mechanical Laboratory is the main seat of the instruction in
technical studies. It is 180 by 70 feet and contains on the main floor the
Dean's office and the offices of the three adjunct-professors; the main
lecture room; the laboratory of electrical engineering; and the drafting
room for the First and Second Year students. Above are a smaller drafting
room for advanced students, and blueprint and photographic rooms.
Below on the ground floor are another class room, the testing laboratory,
the wood shop, the metal shop, apparatus and store rooms, the tool room,
and the students' lavatory.

The Power House is a single-story building 110 by 40 feet. In
addition to the University boiler plant and the electric lighting plant this
contains the foundry and the forge room. The boiler plant consists of two
horizontal return-tubular boilers, each of 140 horse power. The lighting
plant consists of three electric generators directly connected to high speed


Page 214
engines, the respective capacities being 25, 50, and 75 kilowatts. The whole
plant is available for purposes of instruction, study and experiment.

The Laboratory of General Chemistry, situated at the southern
end of West Range, is one of the older buildings recently remodelled and
fitted up for the work of instruction in undergraduate chemistry. It is
furnished with all the necessary apparatus and supplies, and is comfortably
heated and lighted. The Engineering students, who are taught in a
separate section, have three hours in lecture each week and six hours
in the laboratory. The work is specially adapted to their needs.

The Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry is 150 by 60 feet. It is
a single-story building, containing the lecture room, the laboratory of
analytical chemistry, the rooms for assaying, the balance rooms, the
offices and private laboratories of the professors of Industrial and Analytical
Chemistry, and a number of store rooms. These contain not only the
usual laboratory supplies, but an extensive collection of specimens, illustrating
very completely the processes and products of industrial chemistry,
and of especial interest to engineering students.

The Geological Museum is 120 by 50 feet. It is a three-story
building. The main floor is devoted to the very extensive geological collection
of specimens, charts, relief maps, and so on. The gallery above
contains an equally good collection of minerals and numerous models of
typical crystallographic forms. The upper floor contains the lecture rooms
and the Botanical and Zoölogical collections; these are soon to be transferred
to another building and the space utilized for the new laboratories
of Economic Geology. In the basement are stored subsidiary collections
and new material accumulated in more recent geological surveys.

The Physical Laboratory faces the Mechanical Laboratory on
the opposite side of the quadrangle, and has almost the same proportions.
The main floor contains the lecture room, the professors' offices,
the laboratory of experimental physics, and the store room for the very
large collection of apparatus used in the lectures. On the ground floor
is the laboratory of theoretical electricity, the storage battery room, a well
equipped shop for the repair and manufacture of apparatus, and numerous
smaller rooms for the work of graduate students.


The expenses of a student of Engineering will vary slightly with his
year of residence, largely with his personal habits. The following estimates
presuppose a reasonable economy, equally removed from parsimony
on the one hand and from profusion on the other. They may be somewhat
reduced by strict economy. They may be largely and disastrously
augmented by extravagance.


Page 215

The average annual expense of a student who pursues the regular
course of the Engineering Department will be:

University Fee  $ 40 
Department Fee (average of four years)  70 
Living Expenses (for nine months)  225 
Books and Drawing Materials  20 
Incidental Expenses (for nine months)  45 
Total for outside students  $400 
Deduction for Virginians  45 
Total for Virginians  $355 

Strict economy may reduce the living expenses from $25 a month, as
estimated above, to $18 or $20, and may take off something also from incidental
expenses. A more liberal estimate will increase them by about the
same amount. We should thus have the following average annual

Outside students  $320  $400  $480 
Virginians  275  355  435 

These estimates are exclusive of clothing and traveling expenses,
items which vary too much to be introduced into any general estimate.

The University Fee of $40 is paid by every student. It entitles
the student to the free use of the Library, and of the Gymnasium; to the
advice and direction of the Instructor in Physical Culture; to free medical
advice and attendance by the Health Officers of the University; to the
facilities of the University Hospital in case of need; and it covers all fees
for examinations, diplomas, and degrees.

The Department Fee is $90 for the First Year course, $75 for the
Second, $60 for the Third, $55 for the Fourth, and thus averages $70. It
covers the tuition and laboratory fees for all the classes (except Analytical
Chemistry). It entitles the student also to take over again without additional
charge any single course of the previous year which he may have
failed to complete. But students, who fail in two or more of the courses
of any year, are required to pay the fee of that year and take those courses
over. Only students who follow the regular programme of studies are
granted the reduced department fee. Virginians are entitled to free tuition
in the Academical Schools, and are therefore allowed a deduction of $45
a year.

The item of Living Expenses includes board, lodging, fuel, lights,
servant, and laundry. A fair average allowance is $25 a month. Severe


Page 216
economy may reduce it to $18. Ample generosity would place it at $32,
but no higher.

The Books, Drawing Instruments, Drawing Materials and Stationery
will cost about $80 for the four-year course, an average of $20
a year. It is wise economy for the young engineer to buy good instruments
and to collect during his college life a few good books, as the
nucleus of his professional library.

The Incidental Expenses of the student ought to be kept within
modest bounds. The allowances made above are liberal enough. Large
expenditures as a rule promote idleness and attract companions of the
baser sort.

The items payable at entrance are the University Fee of $40, the
Department Fee, and a Contingent Deposit of $10 to cover library
fines and damage to apparatus, if such should occur. The last item is
credited in the student's final settlement with the Bursar. The First Year
Student of Engineering should bring with him about $200 to meet these
charges and cover the initial payments for books, instruments, room, furniture,
board, and so on.


Applicants for admission to the Engineering Department, who are
twenty years old, and desire to enter for the pursuit of special elective
courses, must present adequate proofs of good character and of the needful
maturity and training. Such applicants are then registered as Special
and are admitted without formal examination to the privileges
of the University, but not as candidates for any titled degree.

The Expenses of special students, and of all students who pursue elective
courses, are the same as those of regular students, except as to fees
for tuition. The fee for each class taken will be $25, with the addition of
the prescribed laboratory charges, which are $5 for each class in Applied
Mathematics, Engineering, and Physics; $10 for Inorganic Chemistry. For
Analytical Chemistry a special fee of $50 is charged for tuiton, plus $10
for apparatus and supplies.

Under the general elective plan of this University, many young
men, who cannot afford to take the regular four-year course, qualify themselves
by such special elective studies for highly successful professional
careers. Any student, who possesses a good working knowledge of Pure
Mathematics, including the processes of the Differential and Integral Calculus,
and some acquaintance with the Natural Sciences, may attempt with
success the following shorter course in Engineering:

First Year.—Applied Mathematics 1 and 2. Engineering 1.


Page 217

Second Year.—Applied Mathematics 3 and 4. Engineering 2.

Upon its completion he receives a diploma of graduation in Applied
Mathematics and Engineering.
No student, who is deficient in mathematics,
will be allowed to enter upon this special course.


Applicants from other colleges will be admitted provisionally
to advanced standing as candidates for a degree in Engineering upon presentation
of proper certificates covering the courses for which credit is
desired. Such certificates must be filed with the Dean, and must be
acceptable both to him and to the professors in charge of the accredited
courses. The certificate must bear the official signature of the head of the
college; must specify the character and content of the course followed by
the student; must give his marks, which should not fall below the standard
seventy-five per cent. of this University; and must recommend the student
as worthy of admission to the University of Virginia in respect of both
character and scholarship. The final validation of such a certificate is
effected by the successful completion of the courses attended in this
University. No credits will be given for advanced standing based on High
School Work in the sciences.

Credits on Practical Work will be allowed to applicants, who
have accomplished successfully courses in Drawing, Field-work, or Shop-work
equivalent to those given in this University, or have acquired in
professional practice the training which these courses represent. To
secure credit for such work the student must make written application to
the Dean of the Department, and with this application must file the certificate
of the chief draftsman or other officer under whom the work was
done. In default of such a certificate, which must be acceptable both to
the Instructor and to the Dean, the student may take and pass a practical
examination on each course for which he seeks exemption from regular


Written Examinations are held at the end of each term covering
the work of that term and the results of these examinations, combined
with the student's class standing, give his Term Grade. The Regular
sent out at the end of every term to the student's parent or
guardian state for each course followed the term grade and the number
of absences. Further comment may be added by the Dean or the Professor,
if it appears probable that such comment would be helpful to the
student. Parents are urged to examine these reports carefully, and to
exert such parental influence as may seem needed to establish and confirm
the student in habits of industry and order.


Page 218

Special Reports are sent to parents at the end of each month for
students delinquent in attendance or studiousness and for delinquents only.
When a student is making steady progress and showing due diligence in
his work only the regular reports are sent. The receipt of a special
report is evidence that, in the judgment of the Faculty, prompt and
pointed parental admonition is urgently needed.

Reexaminations are held during registration week in September.
To these reexaminations the Faculty will admit, on the recommendation
of his professor, any student of the previous session who in any
course fell below the pass mark of seventy-five per cent., but made at
least sixty-five per cent. at the regular examination. For every such
reexamination the student must pay to the Bursar on or before July 15th a
fee of $5, which fee is in no case returnable. The student who fails in
any course and does not make up his deficiency on reexamination will be
required to register anew for that course and attend the lectures and pass
the regular examination, unless relieved by special vote of the Faculty.
The Dean will send to every student eligible for reexamination a programme
of the dates of the September examinations.


Page 219


DATES  First
12  17  10  Chem. 1  Physics 2 
14  18  Ecom. Geol 1.  Ap. Math. 4 
15  19  Ap. Math. 2 
16  20  Mech. Eng. 1  Min. Eng. 
17  22  Ap. Math. 1  Elec. Eng. 1  Mech. Eng. 2 
Civil Eng. 1 
18  23  Physics 1  Ecom. Geol. 2 
19  24  Chem. 2 
21  25  Math. 1  Ap. Math. 3 
22  26  Elec. Eng. 2 
Civil Eng. 2 
23  27  31  Math. 2