University of Virginia Library



Ah! lust'rous gem, bright emblem of the heart,
That proudly scorns a borrow'd ray to share:
Whose gentle pow'r can break the spells of care,
And sooth with lenient balm the keenest smart.
Whether from holy friendship's vow profan'd,
Or the dire frenzy of unpity'd love;
Whether from cherish'd passion unrestrain'd,
Or the worst pang the jealous mind can prove:
Yet, if sad mem'ry, ling'ring o'er past love,
Calls thee, soft trembler, from thy crystal throne,
And sternly bids thy pearly incense flow,
E'en when the treach'rous phantom, hope, is flown:
How fickle are the gifts thy rays impart,
At once the balm and poison of the heart!