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The most elegant and witty epigrams of Sir Iohn Harrington

... digested into fovre bookes: three whereof neuer before published

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53 Of a Lady early vp.
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53 Of a Lady early vp.

Lesbya , that wonted was to sleepe till noone,
This other morning stirring was at fiue:
What did she meane, thinke you, to rise so soone?
I doubt we shall not haue her long aliue.
Yes: neuer feare it, there is no such danger,
It seemes vnto her course you be a stranger:
For why, a dauncing, banquetting, and play,
And at Carowsing many a costly cup,
She sate the night before, vntill twas day,
And by that meane, you found her early vp.
Oh, was it so? why then the case is cleere,
That she was early vp, and ne're the neere.