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While freedom's bright banner is waving unfurled,
And millions are hailing the birth of a nation,
Let the voice of our cannon proclaim to the world
The joy that we feel on this grand celebration.
Independent and free,
We swear still to be,
And bequeath to our children this bright jubilee.
And millions unborn shall exultingly say,
A nation of freemen was born in a day.
But long was the conflict our fathers sustained,
For strong was the iron-nerved arm of oppression,
Till valor and justice the victory gained,
And wrung from the foe a reluctant concession.
In field, and on flood,
Mid torrents of blood,
Undaunted, the bulwark of freedom, they stood,
Till an empire was founded that ne'er shall decay,
When a nation of freemen was born in a day.
Their souls at no prospect of danger e'er quaked,
In securing the right of their grateful descendants;


For fortune, existence, and honor, were staked,
To support the bold charter of proud independence.
They swore to be free,
And the godlike decree
Secures us the bliss of this grand jubilee.
For an empire was founded that ne'er shall decay,
And a nation of freemen was born in a day.
The white dove of peace with her olive returned,
By science, and learning, and genius attended;
On liberty's altar new incense was burned,
Where valor and love were in harmony blended.
In union combined,
They expanded the mind,
Till ocean, and rivers, and lakes are combined.
Thus an empire is founded, that ne'er shall decay
Since a nation of freemen was born in a day.
Then wake the loud anthem in liberty's praise,
While millions unite in the grand celebration;
And the symbols of joy which our country displays,
Shall spread through the world a sublime emulation.
Till happy and free,
All nations agree,
To celebrate Liberty's grand jubilee.
And millions unborn shall exultingly say,
A nation of freemen was born in a day.