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Students, who have enjoyed the benefits of sound preliminary
training in good high schools, are advised in all cases to enrich and
liberalize their professional course by the introduction of humanistic

Under the elective system of this University it is easy to plan a
schedule of work for a well prepared matriculate, which will at the
end of six years give him in addition to his professional degree the
general culture degree of Bachelor of Science or of Bachelor of Arts.
The additional courses required are two languages (elected from
French, German, and Latin), one historical science (History, or
Economics), English Literature, or Biblical History and Literature,
and one philosophical science (Logic, or Ethics, or Psychology).

The following is a sample schedule leading at the end of six years
to the two degrees of B. S. and C. E.

First Year

Mathematics 1A, Eng. Lit. 1A, German 1A, Chemistry 1B.

Second Year

Mathematics 2B, Eng. Lit. 2B, German 2B, French 1A

Third Year

Physics 1B, French 2B, Logic 1B, Drawing 1.

Fourth Year

Mechanics 1, Civ. Eng. 1, Economics 1B, Drawing 2.

Fifth Year

Mechanics 2, Civ. Eng. 2, Geology 1, Drawing 3.

Sixth Year

Mechanics 3, Civ. Eng. 3, Eng. Electives, Thesis.

The courses printed in italics are those added from the College.