University of Virginia Library


To A. G. Dew-Smith

In return for a box of cigarettes

Figure me to yourself, I pray—
A man of my peculiar cut—
Apart from dancing and deray,
Into an Alpine valley shut:
Shut in a kind of damned Hotel
Discountenanced by God and man:
The food?—Sir, you would do as well
To cram your belly full of bran!
The company?—Alas, the day,
That I should dwell with such a crew
With devil anything to say
Nor any one to say it to!
The place?—Although they call it Platz,
I will be bold and state my view:
It's not a place at all—and that's
The bottom verity, my Dew.
There are, as I will not deny,
Innumerable inns; a road;
Several Alps indifferent high,
The snow's inviolable abode;
Eleven English parsons, all
Entirely inoffensive; four
True human beings—what I call
Human—the deuce a cipher more;


A climate of surprising worth;
Innumerable dogs that bark;
Some air, some weather, and some earth;
A native race—God save the mark!
A race that works yet cannot work,
Yodels but cannot yodel right,
Such as, unhelpt, with rusty dirk,
I vow that I could wholly smite;
A river that from morn to night
Down all the valley plays the fool;
Nor once she pauses in her flight;
Nor knows the comforts of a pool.
But still keeps up, by straight or bend,
The self-same pace that she begun—
Still hurry, hurry, to the end—
Good God, is that the way to run?
If I a river were, I hope
That I should better realise
The opportunities and scope
Of that romantic enterprise.
I should not ape the merely strange,
But aim besides at the divine;
And continuity and change
I still should labour to combine.
Here should I gallop down the race,
Here charge the sterling like a bull;
There, as a man might wipe his face,
Lie, pleased and panting, in a pool.


But what, my Dew, in idle mood,
What prate I, minding not my debt?
What do I talk of bad or good?
The best is still a cigarette.
Me, whether evil fate assault,
Or smiling providences crown—
Whether on high the eternal vault
Be blue, or crash with thunder down—
I judge the best, whate'er befal,
Is still to sit on one's behind
And, having duly moistened all,
Smoke with an unperturbèd mind.
So sitting, so engaged, I write;
So puffing, so puffed up, I sing,
In modest climates of delight
And from the islands of the spring:
My manner, even as I can:
My matter—Frenchly—to agree
As from a much delighted man,
A gift unspeakable to me.