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A Stanzaic Life of Christ

Compiled from Higden's Polychronicon and the Legenda Aurea

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Nota de sexta. Ad quos missus est, ad discipulos, quia fuerunt spectacula mundi.

The sext poynt is for to knaw
in-to what saules send wos he,
þat is to wytte in on raw
þer-As weren gedred his meyne;
His disciples þat clene wer
to resayue hym weterly,
shulden come All in fer
in holy chirche All openly.

ffuerunt receptacula munda & humilia ad suscepcionem spiritus sancti.

That þai wer A receyte ryght
to reseyue hym clene & clere,
ffor vij causes As in our syght
þat wer in hom to make hom sur.

Primo fuerunt omnes commoti, Secundo dilectone vincti, 3o secreti, 4o oratione Assidui, Quinto humilitate prediti, Sexto pacto coniuncti, Septimo contemplacione erecti.