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Dictionary of the History of Ideas

Studies of Selected Pivotal Ideas
441 occurrences of love
[Clear Hits]

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441 occurrences of love
[Clear Hits]


For biblical quotations the Authorized (King James)
Version is used.

D. C. Allen, The Legend of Noah (Urbana, 1949). A. Alt-
mann, ed., Biblical Motifs (Cambridge, Mass., 1966). G. K.
Anderson, The Legend of the Wandering Jew (Providence,
1965). B. J. Bamberger, Fallen Angels (Philadelphia, 1952).
L. Bronner, The Stories of Elijah and Elishah as Polemics
against Baal Worship
(Leiden, 1968). H. M. and N. K.
Chadwick, The Growth of Literature (Cambridge, 1932-40).
R. H. Charles, ed., The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of
the Old Testament in English
(Oxford, 1913). R. H. Charles,
A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on The Revelation
of St. John
(Edinburgh, 1920). M. D. Conway, Solomon and
Solomonic Literature
(Chicago, 1899). O. Dähnhardt, Natur-
(Leipzig, 1907-12). M. Eliade, Le Chamanisme et les
techniques archaïques de l'extase
(Paris, 1951); trans. W. E.
Trask as Shamanism:... (Princeton, 1964). J. G. Frazer,
Folk-Lore in the Old Testament (London, 1918); idem,
The Golden Bough (London, 1935). J. Fontenrose, The Ritual
Theory of Myth
(Berkeley, 1966). S. Freud, Moses and
(New York, 1939). J. Gaer, The Lore of the Old
(Boston, 1951); idem, The Lore of the New Testa-
(Boston, 1952). L. Ginzberg, The Legends of the Jews
(Philadelphia, 1912-38). R. Graves and R. Patai, Hebrew
(Garden City, 1964). H. Gunkel, The Legends of
(New York, 1901; reprint 1964). W. R. Halliday,
Indo-European Folk-Tales and Greek Legend (Cambridge,
1933). S. H. Hooke, ed., The Labyrinth (London, 1935);
idem, Middle Eastern Mythology (Harmondsworth, 1963);
idem, The Siege Perilous (London, 1956); idem, ed., Myth
and Ritual
(London, 1933). E. O. James, Prehistoric Religion
(New York, 1962). M. R. James, The Apocryphal New Testa-
(Oxford, 1924). A. E. Jensen, Myth and Cult among
Primitive Peoples
(Chicago, 1963). C. G. Jung and C.
Kerényi, Essays on a Science of Mythology (New York, 1949).
R. S. Kluger, Satan in the Old Testament (Evanston, 1967).
A. H. Krappe, “Maria Stella Maris,” The Review of Religion,
13 (May, 1948), pp. 375-81. J. Kroll, Gott und Hölle, Studien
der Bibliothek Warburg
20 (Leipzig and Berlin, 1932). A. O.
Lovejoy, Essays in the History of Ideas (Baltimore, 1948);
idem and G. Boas, Primitivism... in Antiquity (Baltimore,
1935). J. Middleton, ed., Myth and Cosmos (Garden City,
1967). Edmund Leach provides “structural charts” describ-
ing the various versions of Creation, Fall, and First Murder
in accordance with the ideas of Claude Lévi-Strauss. G. F.
Moore, History of Religions, 2 vols. (New York, 1913-1919;
reprint 1932). Henry A. Murray, “Myth and Mythmaking,”
Daedalus (Spring 1959), 211-380. E. Neumann, The Great
(London, 1955). U. Oldenburg, The Conflict between
El and Ba'al in Canaanite Religion
(Leiden, 1969). W. O. E.
Oesterley and T. H. Robinson, A History of Israel, 2 vols.
(Oxford, 1932), I by Robinson. R. Patai, The Hebrew Goddess
(New York, 1967); idem, Man and Temple (Toronto, 1947).
A. S. Peake, ed., Peake's Commentary on the Bible (New


York, 1919). J. P. Peters, The Religion of the Hebrews
(Boston, 1914). R. H. Pfeiffer, Introduction to the Old Testa-
(New York, 1941). J. B. Pritchard, Ancient Near Eastern
Texts Relating to the Old Testament
(Princeton, 1950). E. C.
Quinn, The Quest of Seth for the Oil of Life (Chicago,
1962). Lord Raglan, The Hero (London, 1936; 1949; reprint,
1963). Reference is to the 1949 edition. H. Rahner, Greek
Myths and Christian Mystery
(New York, 1963). O. Rank,
The Myth of the Birth of the Hero (New York, 1959). A. S.
Rappaport, Myth and Legend in Ancient Israel (London,
1928). T. Reik, Pagan Rites in Judaism (New York, 1963).
T. H. Robinson, see Oesterley. H. H. Rowley, ed., The Old
Testament and Modern Study
(Oxford, 1951). John Skinner,
A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on Genesis (New
York, 1910). E. A. Speiser, ed., Genesis, The Anchor Bible
(Garden City, 1964). Temenos: Studies in Comparative Reli-
4 (1969). B. H. Throckmorton, The New Testament and
(London, 1960). A. J. Toynbee, A Study of His-
Vol. VI (London, 1939). F. L. Utley, “The Devil in
the Ark,” Internationaler Kongress der Volkserzählungs-
forscher, Vorträge und Referate (Berlin, 1961), pp. 446-63;
idem, “Folklore, Myth, and Ritual,” Critical Approaches to
Medieval Literature,
ed. D. Bethurum (New York, 1960);
idem, “Noah, His Wife, and the Devil,” Studies in Biblical
and Jewish Folklore,
eds. R. Patai, D. Noy, and F. L. Utley
(Bloomington, 1960), pp. 59-91; F. L. Utley, “Rabghuzi—
Fourteenth-Century Turkic Folklorist,” Volksuberlieferung:
Festschrift für Kurt Ranke
(Göttingen, 1968), pp. 373-400.
H. Weisinger, Tragedy and the Paradise of the Fortunate
(London, 1953). J. Wellhausen, Prolegomena to the
History of Ancient Israel
(New York, 1878; 1957).


[See also Christianity in History; Cycles; God; Myth;
Prophecy in Hebrew Scripture;
Religion, Origins of, Ritual
in; Sin and Salvation.]