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Page 229


Applicants from other colleges will be admitted provisionally
to advanced standing as candidates for a degree in Engineering upon
presentation of proper certificates covering the courses for which
credit is desired. Such certificates must be filed with the Dean, and
must be acceptable both to him and to the professors in charge of the
accredited courses. The certificate must bear the official signature of
the head of the college; must specify the character and content of the
course followed by the student; must give his marks, which should
not fall below the standard seventy-five per cent. of this University;
and must recommend the student as worthy of admission to the University
of Virginia in respect of both character and scholarship. The
final validation of such a certificate is effected by the successful completion
of the courses attended in this University.

The programme of studies offered by such a candidate for his
degree in Engineering must satisfy all the requirements for that degree
as here established. He must devote at least two full sessions
to engineering studies in this University.

Credits on Practical Work will be allowed to applicants, who
have accomplished successfully courses in Drawing, Field-Work, or
Shop-work equivalent to those given in this University, or have acquired
in professional practice the training which these courses represent.
To secure credit for such work the student must make
written application to the Dean of the Department, and with this
application must file the certificate of the chief draftsman or other
officer under whom the work was done.

Applicants for admission to the Engineering Department, who are
twenty years old, and desire to enter for the pursuit of special elective
courses, must present adequate proofs of good character and of the
needful maturity and training. Such applicants are then registered as
Special Students, and are admitted without formal examination to the
privileges of the University, but not as candidates for any titled degree.

The Expenses of special students, and of all students who pursue
elective courses, are the same as those of regular students, except as
to fees for tuition. The fee for each class taken will be $25, with the
addition of the prescribed laboratory charges, which are $5 for each
class in Mechanics, Engineering, and Physics; $10 for Chemistry.
For each class in Analytical Chemistry a special fee of $50 is charged
for tuition, plus $10 for apparatus and supplies. The fee for each class
in Drawing is $10.