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The Company a Factor in Industrial Development

From the standpoint of industrial development, the
importance to a section of country of business operations
conducted on the scale of those of the Virginia
Iron, Coal and Coke Company cannot be overestimated.

Thousands of men are afforded employment, whole
communities receive tangible benefits, and general
business conditions are vastly improved in consequence
of the operation of such enterprises.

The business policy of the Company has been broad
and comprehensive, and its development work has
been conducted judiciously, and along lines which will
enable it to keep pace with the growing demands of
its trade.

Its product ranks among the best on the market,
and has an established reputation for quality and uniformity
of grade.

The officers of the Company are men well qualified
to manage the important interests intrusted to their
care, and have displayed marked ability in handling
its extensive business transactions.

Roanoke is fortunate in being the headquarters of
an institution which is taking so active and important
a part in the industrial development that is causing
a transformation of conditions throughout this whole
section of the South.