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Arthur Spicer Brockenbrough
to the Rector & Board of Visitors


I beg leave to lay before you my contract with Mr Wm. J. Coffee for Composition & Leaden
ornaments for the buildings, I do this because Mr Coffee is dissatisfied and complains
heavily of his bargain, and I am not willing to take upon myself the responsibility of
advancing more than the contract calls for--he has sent on an acct. amounting to
$487.46--the cost agreeable to my estimate on the back of the contract amts to $382.39
which I have authorized him to draw for--since doing so I find he has not completed his

It will be necessary to make some provision for the debts of the University of Va. three or
four of the accts. are unsettled therefore I can't say to a certainty the amt of them but as near
as I can come I suppose them to be a little over $20,000--including the completion of the
garden Walls & Privies--

I must beg permission to call your attention to what materially concerns myself--my
character has been furiously attacked by an anonymous writer under the name of a
"Farmer"--I must ask an investigation of my official conduct as proctor of the University of
Va. if my conduct has been as represented by that writer you will no doubt act as you should
do in that case by dismising Me your service if on the contrary the charges alledged against
be found with out foundation, I hope you will do me the justice to make some public
declaration to that effect.[857] my feelings have been much wounded by those calumnious
charges--I ask a public declaration of your sentiments for the satisfaction of my distant
friends and my posterity, the most fervent wish of My heart is to leave an untarnished
reputation as an inheritance to my children--I am Gentlemen most respectfully your obt sert

A. S. Brockenbrough

ALS, ViU:PP, 2p. with address "To the Rector & Visitors of the University Va" and TJ
docket "Brockenbrough. A. S. Apr. 7. 23. recd Apr. 7." For the enclosed contract between
William J. Coffee and Brockenbrough, see their Agreement for Ornamentation, 18 March


856. Coffee wrote TJ from New York on 15 February enclosing his bill for ornamental
plaster work at the university; the letter is in DLC:TJ but the bill is in ViU:TJ (see Coffee's
Account for Ornaments, that date). TJ made calculations about the agreement between
Coffee and the university indicating that he thought the artist might be due $456.51--the
$382.39 granted by Brockenbrough plus $60.48 for lead and $13.64 for packing--leaving a
difference of $30.95. Above the calculations TJ wrote: "In the agreemt. signed by mr
Brockenbrough and inclosed to me by mr Coffee, and again returned to him, under Pavilion
No. 1. the words 'lead to be paid for extra' and under Pavilion No. 2. the words 'the whips
of lead to pd for extra' are expressly inserted in the body of the description" (DLC:TJ). On
the back of the undated one-page memorandum is a short list of ornaments, only some of
which Coffee had yet supplied.


857. See the Board of Visitors Minutes, this date.