University of Virginia Library



As flows the rapid river,
With channel broad and free,
Its waters rippling ever,
And rushing to the sea,—
So swift our days are ending,
Short is each joy and grief,—
Summer with winter blending,
The longest life, how brief.
As moons are ever waning,
As hastes the sun away,
As stormy winds, complaining,
Bring on the wintry day,—
So fast the night comes o'er us,
The darkness of the grave,—
Death ever just before us,
God takes the life He gave.
Be then thy choicest treasure
Laid up in worlds above;
Be thine the highest pleasure,
Thy God, to serve and love;
And use, with wise endeavour,
The talent Heaven has lent,
Lest thou lament forever,
A precious life, misspent.