University of Virginia Library


O thou, who all my life hast crowned
With better things than I could ask,
Be it to-day my humble task
To own from depths of grief profound,
The many sins, which darken through
What little good I do.
I have been too much used, I own,
To tell my needs in fretful words;
The clamoring of the silly birds,
Impatient till their wings be grown,
Have thy forgiveness. O my blessed Lord,
The like to me accord.
Of grace, as much as will complete
Thy will in me. I pray thee for;
Even as a rose shut in a drawer
That maketh all about it sweet,
I would be, rather than the cedar fine:
Help me, thou Power divine.
With charity fill thou my heart,
As summer fills the grass with dews,
And as th' year itself renews
In th' sun, when winter days depart,
Blessed forever, grant thou me
To be renewed in thee.