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Where a word has various meanings, that definition is given which will express the terms used by the author in explaining the mechanism or subject to which it refers.

  • Aviation. The art of flying.
  • Altitude. Height; a vertical distance above any point.
  • Attraction. The art or process of drawing towards.
  • Allusion. Referring to a certain thing.
  • Assume. Taking it for granted.
  • Accentuated. To lay great stress upon a thing.
  • Angle of Movement. Any direction which is upwardly or downwardly, as distinguished from the direction of movement which is either to the right or to the left.
  • Acquired. To obtain; to recover; to procure.
  • Analogous. Corresponding to or resembling some other thing or object.
  • Air Hole. A term used to express a condition in flying where the machine while in horizontal flight takes a sudden drop, due to counter currents.
  • Ailerons. Literally, small planes. Used to designate the small planes which are designed to stabilize a machine.
  • Angle. A figure, or two straight lines which start at the same point. The sides of these lines are termed the angle.
  • Analysis. To separate; to take apart and examine the various parts or elements of a thing.

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  • Aeroplane. Any form of machine which has planes, and is heavier than air. Usually a flying structure which is propelled by some motive power.
  • Accumulation. Adding to; bringing together the same or unlike articles.
  • Ascribable. A reference to some antecedent source.
  • Aeronautics. The science of flying.
  • Anterior. Meaning the front or forward margin or portion of a body.
  • Artifices. Any artificial product, or workmanship.
  • Axially. Through the central portion. Thus, the shaft which goes through a cylinder is axially arranged.
  • Automatic. A thing which operates by its own mechanism; a contrivance which is made in such a manner that it will run without manual operation or care.
  • Alertness. Quick; being active.
  • Apes. The point at which two lines meet; also the extreme pointed end of a conical figure.
  • Ascension. Moving upwardly.
  • Accessories. The parts of a machine, or articles which may be used in connection therewith.
  • Anemometer. An instrument for measuring the force or the velocity of wind.
  • Anemograph. An instrument that usually traces a curved line on paper to make a record of the force or direction, or velocity of the wind.
  • Anemometrograph. A device which determines the force, velocity and direction of the wind.
  • Accretion. Adding to little by little.
  • Accelerated. Quickening; hurrying the process.
  • Abridged. Partly taken away from; shortened.
  • Abrogate. To dispense with; to set aside.

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  • Abnormal. Not in the usual manner; not in a regular way.
  • Alternate. First one and then another; going from one side to the other.
  • Ancient Lights. An old English law which prevents a neighbor from shutting off sunlight.
  • Angularly. A line which runs out from another so that the two are not parallel.
  • Aneroid. Not wet. Applied to the type of barometer where the medium for determining the pressure is not made of mercury.
  • Aspirate. A term given by the French to that peculiar action of wing, or other body, which, when placed in certain positions, relative to a current of air, will cause it to be drawn into the current.
  • Assemblage. The bringing together of the parts or elements of a machine.
  • Augment. To aid; to add to or increase.
  • Banked. The term used in aviation which indicates that the machine is turned up so that its supporting surfaces rest against the air, as in alighting.
  • Barometer. An instrument for determining the air pressure, and thereby indicating altitudes.
  • Bevel Pinion. A toothed wheel driven by a larger wheel.
  • Bi-Plane. Two planes. In aviation that type which has two planes, similar in size, usually, and generally placed one above the other so they are separated the same distance from each other, as the width of each of the planes.
  • Bulges. A hump; an enlargement beyond the normal at any point.
  • Camber, also Cambre. The upward curve in a plane.

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  • Catapult. A piece of mechanism for projecting or throwing a missile.
  • Carbureter. The device which breaks up the fuel oil, and mixes the proper quantity of air with it before it is drawn into the engine.
  • Catastrophe. A calamity; a sad ending; loss of life or of property.
  • Cellular. Made up of small hollows, or compartments; filled with holes.
  • Celestial. Pertaining to the heavens.
  • Centrifugal. That force which throws outwardly from a rotating body.
  • Centripetal. That force, like the attraction of gravity, which draws a body to the center.
  • Characteristic. Striking; that which is peculiar to some thing or object.
  • Commensurate. Sufficient; in proper proportion; sufficient for the occasion.
  • Commercially. Pertaining to the nature of trade; the making of money.
  • Complicated. Not easily explainable; not easy to separate.
  • Comparatively. Judged by something else; taken with reference to another object or thing.
  • Compression. The drawing together; forcing into a smaller compass, or space.
  • Composition. Made up of different elements, or things.
  • Conceivable. Made up from the imagination.
  • Concaved. Hollowed: In aviation it has reference to the under side of the plane, which is usually provided, structurally, with a hollow or trough formation.
  • Conforming. To make alike in form; to bring into harmony.
  • Conjunction. In connection with; joining together.
  • Convex. A rounded surface; a bulging out.

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  • Conclusion. The end; a finding in law; a reasoning from a certain condition.
  • Conductivity. The property of materials whereby they will transmit heat along from one part to another, also electricity.
  • Concentrated. Brought together; assembled in a smaller space.
  • Conclusive. A positive ending; decisive of the matter at issue.
  • Concentrically. A line which is at all points at the same distance from one point.
  • Condensation. The act or process of making denser, or being brought together.
  • Contemplate. To consider; to judge.
  • Convoys. A protecting force which accompanies the transfer of property.
  • Convection. The diffusion of heat through a liquid or gas.
  • Consistent. A state of harmony; the same at 11 times.
  • Constant. In mathematics, a figure which never changes; or a figure used as a fixed valuation in a problem.
  • Controllable. Held within bounds; that which can be within the power to accomplish.
  • Correctional. The means whereby a fault may be made right.
  • Consequence. The result; that which flows from a preceding action.
  • Counterforce. An action contrary or opposite to the main force.
  • Counterbalance. Any power equally opposing another.
  • Counteract. A force acting in opposition to another.
  • Counter current. An air current which sets up in an opposite direction in the path of a moving aeroplane.
  • Cushioned. An action which takes place against a moving aeroplane, by a sudden gust of air or countercurrent.
  • Dedicated. To set apart for some special purpose.
  • Degree. An interval; a grade; a stage; a certain proportion.

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  • Deltoid. Shaped like the Greek letter delta.
  • Density. Closeness of parts.
  • Demonstration. Making clear; showing up; an exhibition or expression.
  • Deceptive. The power or tendency to give a false impression.
  • Deterrent. To hold back; to prevent action.
  • Detracting. The tendency to take away; to belittle.
  • Depressed. To move downwardly.
  • Destination. The place set for the end of the journey.
  • Despoiling. To take away from; robbing or taking from another by force or by stealth.
  • Dependant. flanging below; projecting from the lower side.
  • Dexterity. Agility; smartness in action.
  • Deranged. Put out of order; wrongly arranged.
  • Develop. Brought out; to put into a correct shape or form.
  • Deferred. Put over to another time.
  • Designedly. With a direct purpose.
  • Diagonal. Across an object at an angle to one or more aides.
  • Diametrically. Across an object through or near the center thereof.
  • Diagram. A mechanical plan or outline of an object.
  • Dimension. The distance across an object. The measurement, for instance, of a propeller from tip to tip.
  • Dynamically. Pertaining to motion as a result of force.
  • Dispossessed. A term used to indicate the act which removes a person from the possession of property.
  • Diameter. The measurement across an object.
  • Divest. Taken away from; removed out of.
  • Disregard. Deliberate lack of attention.
  • Diversity. The state wherein one is unlike another; dissimilarity.

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  • Drift. The term used to indicate the horizontal motion, or the pull of an aeroplane.
  • Dragon. A fabulous monster, usually in the form of a serpent.
  • Duplicate. Two; made in exact imitation of an original.
  • Easement. A legal phrase to designate that right which man possesses, irrespective of any law, to gain access to his property.
  • Effrontery. Boldness with insolence; rashness without propriety.
  • Effective. To be efficient.
  • Element. One part of a whole.
  • Elasticity. Material which will go back to its original form after being distorted, is said to be elastic.
  • Eliminate. To take away from; to remove a part, or the whole.
  • Elliptical. Oblong with rounded ends.
  • Elusive. Capable of escaping from; hard to hold.
  • Elevator. The horizontal planes in front or rear, or in both front and rear of the supporting surfaces of an aeroplane.
  • Emergency. A sudden occurrence calling for immediate action.
  • Emplacement. A spot designed to hold heavy field pieces in intrenchments.
  • Enactment. The formulation of a law; the doing of a special thing.
  • Enunciated. Announced; setting forth of an act or a condition.
  • Energy. That quality by reason of which anything tends to move or act.
  • Equidistant. Two points or objects at equal distance from a common point.
  • Equilibrium. A balance produced by the action of two or more forces.

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  • Equalizing. One made equal to the other; one side the same as the other.
  • Equipped. Armed; provided with the proper material, or in the same condition.
  • Essential. The important part or element.
  • Essence. The real character or element of the thing itself.
  • External. The outermost portion.
  • Evolution. A gradual change or building up; from a lower to a higher order.
  • Evolved. Brought out from a crude condition to a better form.
  • Expression. The art of explaining or setting forth.
  • Expansion. Growing larger; to occupy a greater space.
  • Exerted. To work to the utmost; to put forth in action.
  • Exhilaration. A lively, pleasing or happy sensation.
  • Exploited. To fully examine and consider, as well as carry out.
  • Extremity. The end; as far as can be considered.
  • Facility. Ease of management; to do things without difficulty.
  • Factor. One of the elements in a problem, or in mechanical action.
  • Fascination. Attractiveness that is pleasing.
  • Flexure. The capacity to bend and yield, and return to its original position.
  • Flexible. That which will yield; springy.
  • Fore and Aft. Lengthwise, as from stem to stern of a ship.
  • Formation. The shape or arrangement of an article or thing.
  • Formulated. Put into some concrete form, or so arranged that it may be understood.
  • Frictionless. Being without a grinding or retarding action.
  • Fulcrumed. A resting place for a lever.
  • Function. The duty or sphere of action in a person, or object.

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  • Glider. An aeroplane, without power, adapted to be operated by an aviator.
  • Governing. An element which is designed to control a machine in a regular manner.
  • Graduated. A marked portion, which is regularly laid off to indicate measurements or quantities.
  • Gravity. The attraction of mass for mass. The tendency of bodies to move toward the earth.
  • Gravitation. The force with which all bodies attract each other.
  • Gyratory. Having a circular and wheeling as well as a rotary motion.
  • Gyroscope. A wheel, designed to illustrate the laws of motion, which freely revolves in gimbals within a ring, and when set into motion, objects to change its plane of rotation.
  • Hemispherical. The half of a sphere. The half of an apple would be hemispherical.
  • Hazardous. That which is doubtful; accompanied by danger.
  • Helicopter. A type of flying machine which has a large propeller, or more than one, revolubly fixed on vertical shafts, by means of which the machine is launched and projected through the air.
  • Horizontal. Level, like water.
  • Hydroplane. A term used to designate an aeroplane which is provided with pontoons, whereby it may alight on the water, and be launched from the surface. The term Hydroaeroplane is most generally used to indicate this type of machine.
  • Impact. The striking against; the striking force of one body against another.
  • Immersed. Placed under water below the surface.

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  • Impinge. To strike against; usually applied where air strikes a plane or a surface at an angle.
  • Imitation. Similarity; the same in appearance.
  • Incompatible. Without harmony; incapable of existing together.
  • Incurved. Applied to a surface formation where there is a depression, or hollow.
  • Inequalities. Not smooth, or regular; uneven.
  • Infinitely. Boundless; in great number, or quality; without measure.
  • Initial. The first; that which is at the beginning.
  • Indestructibility. Not capable of being injured or destroyed.
  • Influenced. Swayed; to be induced to change.
  • Inherent. That which is in or belongs to itself.
  • Initiating. To teach; to instill; to give an insight.
  • Indicator. A term applied to mechanism which shows the results of certain operations and enables the user to read the measure, quantity, or quality shown.
  • Inconceivable. Not capable of understanding; that which cannot be understood by the human mind.
  • Institute. To start; to bring into operation.
  • Insignias. Things which are significant of any particular calling or profession.
  • Instinct. That quality in man or animals which prompts the doing of things independently of any direct knowledge or understanding.
  • Intermediate. Between; that which may be within or inside the scope of the mind, or of certain areas.
  • Intervening. The time between; also applied to the action of a person who may take part in an affair between two or more persons.
  • Interval. A time between.

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  • Investigator. One who undertakes to find out certain things.
  • Incidence. In physics this is a term to indicate the line which falls upon or strikes another at an angle.
  • Inverted. Upside down.
  • Invest. To give to another thing something that it lacked before.
  • Kinetic. Consisting in or depending upon motion.
  • Laminated. Made up of a plurality of parts. When wooden strips, of different or of the same kinds are glued and then laid together and put under heavy pressure until thoroughly dried, the mass makes a far more rigid structure than if cut out of a single piece.
  • Launching. The term applied to the raising, or starting of a boat, or of a flying object.
  • Lateral. In mining this is a term to indicate the drifts or tunnels which branch out from' the main tunnel. Generally it has reference to a transverse position or direction,—that is, at right angles to a fore and aft direction.
  • Lift. The vertical motion, or direction in an airship; thus the lift may be the load, or the term used to designate what the ship is capable of raising up.
  • Ligament. The exceedingly strong tendons or muscles of birds and animals, usually of firm, compact tissues.
  • Limitations. Within certain bounds; in a prescribed scope.
  • Longitudinally. Usually that direction across the longest part.
  • Majestically. Grand; exalted dignity; the quality which inspires reverence or fear.
  • Manipulate. To handle; to conduct so that it will result in a certain way.

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  • Maneuver. A methodical movement or change in troops.
  • Manually. To perform by hand.
  • Manifestations. The act of making plain to the eye or to the understanding.
  • Manually-operated. With the hands; a term applied to such machines as have the control planes operated by hand.
  • Maintained. Kept up; to provide for; to sustain.
  • Material. The substance, or the matter from which an article is made; also the important thing, or element.
  • Mass. In physics it is that which in an article is always the same. It differs from weight in the particular that the mass of an article is the same, however far it may be from the center of the earth, whereas weight changes, and becomes less and less as it recedes from the center of the earth.
  • Margin. The edge; the principal difference between this word and edge, is, that margin has reference also to a border, or narrow strip along the edge, as, for instance, the blank spaces at the edges of a printed page.
  • Medieval. Belonging to the Middle Ages.
  • Mercury. A silver-white liquid metal, usually called quicksilver, and rather heavy. It dissolves most metals, and this process is called amalgamation.
  • Militate. In determining a question, to have weight, or to influence a decision.
  • Mobility. Being freely movable; capable of quick change.
  • Modification. A change; making a difference.
  • Monitor. Advising or reproving. Advising or approving by way of caution.
  • Monstrosities. Anything which is huge, or distorted, or wrong in structure.

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  • Monorail. A railway with a single track, designed to be used by a bicycle form of carriage, with two wheels, fore and aft of each other, and depending for its stability upon gyroscopes, mounted on the carriage.
  • Momentum. That which makes a moving body difficult to stop. It is the weight of a moving body, multiplied by its speed.
  • Monoplane. The literal meaning is one plane. As monoplane machines are all provided with a fore and aft body, and each has a wing or plane projecting out from each side of this body, it is obvious that it has two planes instead of one. The term, however, has reference to the fact that it has only one supporting surface on the same plane. Biplanes have two supporting surfaces, one above the other.
  • Multiplicity. Frequently confounded with plurality. The latter means more than one, whereas multiplicity has reference to a great number, or to a great variety.
  • Muscular. Being strong; well developed.
  • Negative. The opposite of positive; not decisive.
  • Neutralize. From the word neuter, which means neither, hence the term may be defined as one which is not a part of either, or does not take up with either side.
  • Normal Pressure. Normal means the natural or usual, and when applied to air it would have reference to the condition of the atmosphere at that particular place. If the pressure could change from its usual condition, it would be an abnormal pressure.
  • Notoriously. Generally known, but not favorably so; the subject of general remark; or unfavorably known.

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  • Obscurity. Not well known; in the background; without clear vision; hidden from view.
  • Obliquely. That which differs from a right angle; neither obtuse nor acute; deviating from a line by any angle except a right angle.
  • Obvious. That which is readily observed and understood.
  • Orthopter. That type of flying machine which depends on flapping wings to hold it in space, and to transport it, in imitation of the motion of the wings of birds in flying.
  • Oscillate. Moving to and fro; the piston of a steam engine has an oscillating motion.
  • Outlined. Describing a marginal line on a drawing; setting forth the principal features of an argument, or the details of a story, or the like.
  • Overlapping. One placed over the other.
  • Parabolic. A form of curve somewhat similar to an ellipse.
  • Pedestal. A standard or support; an upright to hold machinery.
  • Pertinent. Appropriate; pertaining to the subject.
  • Pectoral. The bone which forms the main rib or support at the forward edge of a bird's wing.
  • Persistent. Keeping at it; determination to proceed.
  • Perpendicular. At right angles to a surface. This term is sometimes wrongly applied in referring to an object, particularly to an object which is vertical, meaning up and down. The blade of a square is perpendicular to the handle at all times, but the blade is vertical only when it points to the center of the earth.
  • Pernicious. Bad; not having good features or possessing wrong attributes.

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  • Pendulum. A bar or body suspended at a point and adapted to swing to and fro.
  • Perpetuity. For all time; unending or unlimited time.
  • Phenomena. Some peculiar happening, or event, or object.
  • Pitch. In aviation this applies to the angle at which the blades of a propeller are cut. If a propeller is turned, and it moves forwardly in the exact path made by the angle, for one complete turn, the distance traveled by the propeller axially indicates the pitch in feet.
  • Placement. When an object is located at any particular point, so that it is operative the location is called the placement.
  • Plane. A flat surface for supporting a flying machine in the air. Plane of movement pertains to the imaginary surface described by a moving body. A bicycle wheel, for instance, when moving forwardly in a straight line, has a plane of movement which is vertical; but when the machine turns in a circle the upper end of the wheel is turned inwardly, and the plane of movement is at an angle.
  • Pliant. Easily yielding; capable of being bent; liable to be put out of shape.
  • Plurality. See multiplicity. More than one.
  • Poise. Held in suspension; disposed in a particular way.
  • Pontoon. Applied to a series of boats ranged side by side to support a walk laid thereon. In aviation it has reference to a float for supporting an aeroplane.
  • Ponderous. Large; heavy; difficult to handle.
  • Posterior. The rear end; the opposite of anterior.
  • Principles. The very nature or essence of a thing; the source or cause from which a thing springs.

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  • Proportion. The relation that exists between different parts or things.
  • Propounded. Questioned; stated; to state formally for consideration.
  • Proprietary. A right; the ownership of certain property.
  • Primitive. The beginning or early times; long ago.
  • Prelude. A statement or action which precedes the main feature to be presented.
  • Proximity. Close to; near at hand.
  • Prototype. That which is used as the sample from, which something is made or judged.
  • Propeller. The piece of mechanism, with screw shaped blade, designed to be rapidly rotated in order to drive a vessel forwardly. It is claimed by some that the word Impeller would be the more proper term.
  • Primarily. At the first; the commencement.
  • Precedes. Goes ahead; forward of all.
  • Propulsive. The force which gives motion to an object.
  • Projected. Thrown forward; caused to fly through the air.
  • Radially. Out from the center; projecting like the spokes of a wheel.
  • Ratio. The relation of degree, number, amount; one with another.
  • Reaction. A counterforce; acting against.
  • Recognize. To know; seeing, hearing, or feeling, and having knowledge therefrom.
  • Reflection. Considering; judging one thing by the examination of another. A beam of light, or an object, leaving a surface.
  • Refraction. That peculiarity in a beam of light, which, in passing through water at an angle, bends out of its


    course and again assumes a direct line after passing through.
  • Reflex. Turned back on itself, or in the direction from which it game.
  • Requisite. Enough; sufficient for all purposes.
  • Relegate. To put back or away.
  • Rectangular. Having one or more right angles.
  • Reservations. Land which is held by the Government for various purposes.
  • Resistance. That which holds back; preventing movement.
  • Retarding. Preventing a free movement.
  • Revoluble. The turning or swinging motion of a body like the earth in its movement around the sun. See Rotative. To cause to move as in an orbit or circle.
  • Resilient. Springy; having the quality of elasticity.
  • Reversed. Changed about; turned front side to the rear.
  • Rotative. That which turns, like a shaft. The movement of the earth on its axis is rotative.
  • Saturation. Putting one substance into another until it will hold no more. For instance, adding salt to water until the water cannot take up any more.
  • Security. Safety, assuredness that there will be no danger.
  • Segment. A part cut off from a circle. Distinguished from a Sector, which might be likened to the form of one of the sections of an orange.
  • Sexagonal. Six-sided.
  • Sine of the Angle. The line dropped from the highest point of an angle to the line which runs out horizontally.
  • Sinuous. Wavelike; moving up and down like the waves of the ocean.
  • Simulates. To pattern or copy after; the making of the like.
  • Skipper. A thin flat stone.

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  • Spirally-formed. Made like an auger; twisted.
  • Stability. In airships that quality which holds the ship on an even and unswerving course, and prevents plunging and side motions.
  • Structural. Belonging to the features of construction.
  • Strata. Two or more layers; one over or below the other.
  • Stream Line. In expressing the action of moving air, or an aeroplane transported through air, every part is acted upon by the air. Stream lines are imaginary lines which act upon the planes at all points, and all in the same direction, or angle.
  • Stupendous. Great; important; above the ordinary.
  • Substitute. One taken for another; replacing one thing by something else.
  • Supporting. Giving aid; helping another.
  • Synchronous. Acting at the same time, and to the same extent. Thus if two wheels, separated from each other at great distances, are so arranged that they turn at exactly the same speed, they are said to turn synchronously.
  • Tactics. The art of handling troops in the presence of an enemy. It differs from strategy in the particular that the latter word is used to explain the movements or arrangement of forces before they arrive at the battle line.
  • Tandem. One before the other; one after the other.
  • Tangent. A line drawn from a circle at an angle, instead of radially.
  • Technically. Pertaining to some particular trade, science or art.
  • Tenuous. Thin, slender, willowy, slight.
  • Tetrahedral. This has reference to a form which is made up of a


    multiplicity of triangularly shaped thin blades, so as to form numerous cells, and thus make a large number of supporting surfaces. Used as a kite.
  • Theories. Views based upon certain consideration.
  • Theoretical. Where opinions are founded on certain information, and expressed, not from the standpoint of actual knowledge, but upon conclusions derived from such examinations.
  • Torsion. A twist; a circular motion around a body.
  • Transmitted. Sent out; conveyed from one point to another.
  • Transformation. Changed; entirely made over from one thing to another.
  • Transverse. When a body is shorter from front to rear than from side to side its longest dimension is transversely. Distinguish from lateral, which has reference only to the distance at right angles from the main body.
  • Translation. The transportation of a body through the air.
  • Trajectory. The path made by a body projected through the air.
  • Triangular. A form or body having three sides and three angles.
  • Typical. In the form of; a likeness to.
  • Ultimate. The end; the finality; the last that can be said.
  • Uninitiated. Not having full knowledge; without information.
  • Unique. Peculiar; something that on account of its peculiar construction or arrangements stands out beyond the others.
  • Universal. Everywhere; all over the world.
  • Undulate. To move up and down; a wave-like motion.
  • Utility. Of use; to take advantageous use of.
  • Unstable. Not having anything permanent; in a ship in flight one that will not ride on an even keel, and is liable to pitch about.

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  • Vacuum. Where air is partly taken away, or rendered rarer.
  • Valved. A surface which has a multiplicity of openings with valves therein, or, through which air can move in one direction.
  • Vaunted. To boast concerning; to give a high opinion.
  • Velocity. Speed; the rate at which an object can move from place to place.
  • Vertically. A line running directly to the center of the earth; a line at right angles to the surface of water.
  • Vibratory. Moving from side to side; a regular motion.
  • Volplane. The glide of a machine without the use of power.
  • Warping. The twist given to certain portions of planes, so as to cause the air to act against the warped portions.
  • Weight. The measure of the force which gravity exerts on all objects.