University of Virginia Library


Skourlie's office; shelves round the walls, with deed-boxes and papers. A time-piece over the chimney.
Skourlie discovered alone.
The sun slopes westward: (looking at the time piece)
—half past five: no more?

Well, one half hour: if, in that time, there pour not
Gold from the sky, to pay off Nigel's mortgage,
All his broad acres, arable, mead, and forest,
As Dunstan's bell tolls six, pass to Dalgarno.
The loss of those crown jewels, the sole means
To raise this mortgage money, must have left
Nigel without a hope; and yet, till six
Has struck, I'm ill at ease.—Time's old,—and charity
Bids us assist th'infirm: so, come, we'll speed him
Some steps upon his journey.
Puts the hand of the time-piece to “Six.” A knock is heard at the outer door.
Bless my soul,
What's that? (recovering)
a client; nothing more!—'Tis strange

How my hand trembles. That Whitefriars bus'ness
Has some how—Death! what matters it to me?
I did not pull the knot, nor hold the lantern,
And yet I scarce have nerve to crook my fingers.


Ah!—I must let no stranger find me thus:
Folks might suspect that—
Opens a closet.
Where's the cordial?

[Exit into closet.
Enter Clerk.
A pretty clatter—gently—gently—coming!
Enter Heriot and Strappet followed by two porters, who bring a hand-barrow, laden with bags of money: these they unload from the barrow, under Strappet's direction, and place in rows upon a bench, or dresser.
Your pleasure?

But a word, friend, with your master.

He'll strait return.

(To Porters as they are unloading.)
Chink it along, brave boys.

So that, at last, the matter being sifted,
The fault is with the women more than Nigel.

Well, I have made him what amends I could,
For my suspicion, in these jolly bags.
(The porters, having completed their unloading, go out; Strappet pays them.)
Little you thought that any of my kindred
Could pay a mortage for six thousand pounds
Down on the nail, my master! Does one good
Only to hear it ring.

(Turns up the stage with Heriot.)


Re-enter Skourlie, not perceiving them, with a flaggon and glass.
Aye, that has strung
My nerves a little. Come, another pull— (Drinks.)

Now, I could face the devil!

(coming forward and startling him.)
If you're braced
To look on Satan, you may be less loath
To see his kinsman, Mammon.

(much agitated.)
Sir, I know not—
Guess not, sir, what you mean.

But that we've brought you
The money, to discharge a certain mortgage
Upon Lord Nigel's lands, which, whether your's
Or your employer's, being in your name,
We call on you t'acquit.

Sir, I incline
To think the time's expired. 'Tis now, you see,
Past six.

Yes, by your clock.

A trusty time-piece,
From your own warehouse, Master Heriot.

A trusty time-piece, when I sold it you:
But it should seem that even a clock may come
By keeping evil company, to lose
Its character.

You should best know the hour.

(pointing to the bags.)
All told and weigh'd.


(calling at the side scene.)
Just run for Lord Dalgarno;
Nay, to make sure, I'll step myself and fetch him.

(Snatches up his hat, and runs towards the door.
(to Strappet.)
If thou'rt a man, keep fast the door. He seeks
But to put off the time.

(placing his back against the door.)
We make the tender:
There's the gold, take or leave it.

You think, perhaps, this makes Lord Nigel whole;
But you're deceived: he's charged with murder, sirs.

Thanks for your pleasant news; but we may save
That forfeit too, if you delay us not.

Therefore, no shuffling, friend, lest your long ears
Be trimm'd a trifle shorter.

O, you threaten?

No threat: a little kind advice, that's all.
Good man o'th'law, we know you: guess, perhaps,
Near what peculiar corner of Whitefriars
You were last night: therefore, the title-deeds!

I must submit: I trust, I have been civil.
I've done; here's your receipt; and there, the deeds
You claim.
Strappet takes up the bundle of title-deeds, to which Skourlie points.
A knock is heard at the street-door.
Dalgarno! O, too late! too late:


That way, an't please you, gentlemen: 'twere ill
(Pointing to the door in the side scene.)
If you should meet.

Why, look you, then, to spare
A bustle in your house, I'll go your way;
But, pray conceive me, sir; I do not shun
Th'encounter: I am old enough to know
The law is mightier than your Lord Dalgarno,
Or any lord in England.

[Exeunt Heriot and Strappet.
(Bowing after them.)
I'm beholden—
Your grateful slave: now, an eternal curse
Light on you both!
Enter Dalgarno.
My lord, your servant ever!

'Tis on the stroke of six. Now, Nigel! 'Sdeath,
What ails thee, trembler?

Me, my lord! I'm glad—
I'm sorry—

Glad and sorry! hot and cold!
It is the time, thou peddling, petty larceny—
A church clock (supposed to be St. Dunstan's) strikes six.
The hour of wealth and vengeance! Hark! it strikes:
One, two, three, four, five, six! Well bang'd, brave hammers,
The knell of Nigel! Every iron peal
Has swung a manor! Come, the deeds: I long
To greet my title.


I—my lord—the deeds—
I have them not.

You have them not! take care,
Varlet! why point you to that pile of money?

It is your own—it is—

Not the redemption money
Of Nigel's mortgage? dare not say it is,
Or I'll divorce thy petti-fogging soul
From its base shell o'th'instant—

(remonstrating in an agony of terror)
I must call
For help—'twas the law's act—what could I do?

Do! dost thou ask? What! were thy tricks, thy lies,
Quirks, quibbles, shuffles, oaths, all spent? all gone?
Or hold you those too good to be laid out
For my behoof? But mark me well—thou know'st
I've that, will hang thee.

All that art and law
Can manage, I will try.

Do, or be sure
Thy lease of life and lies shalt not have long
To run! the task is easy—recollect
The hour was past before the tender made—
And see that there be punctual witnesses
To prove that fact.

I'll prove that Nigel's friends
Used threats, aye, force:—I'd not been so ungrateful
To let your lordship's interests suffer, else.

That strain does better.—Whence i'th'name of evil
Comes this accursed dross?


'Twas Heriot brought it.

Plague blight him! But there's yet a way, Here, take
The jewels.

[Gives him the jewels.
To what use? they're known too well
To be disposed of.

Therefore, honestly
Restore them to King James.

And whence shall I
Be taken to have got them?

You will say
That Nigel sold them to you: sold them, mind,
To you, this morning, in the town of Greenwich;
That, seeing them among your wares, and knowing
They were the king's, I bade you take them straight,
As my most humble off'ring, to his highness,
Making myself your debtor for the price.
That fiction serves two ends: commends my zeal,
And fixes Nigel with the stolen jewels
Scarce two hours from the robb'ry.

That may serve.

It shall!

The time grows short though; 'tis the hour
The king assigned to hear Lord Nigel's plea.

Well, to Whitehall then.—Heriot, hey? coax'd doubtless
By fair niece, Margaret. Dainty Machiavel!
When she shall hear the close compacted facts
Of last night's murder—all the witnesses
Cent'ring on Nigel, and th'auxiliar charge
Of the crown-jewels rivetting his doom,


O, then, how fast her pretty eyes will flash,
And drown themselves in passionate grievous tears—
While I, on his attainder, build a bridge
May bring me, by the royal grant, once more
Into these fair and forfeit lands of his,
Which this vile step let go. (Going.)

Most skilful!—but
My Lord!

Well, Sirrah?

You forgot to name
The price I am to have for giving up
These jewels to the king,

Make the work clear,
(Taking two of the bags and tossing them to Skourlie.
And take your wages.
(Exit Dalgarno.

(Alone, looking after him.)
Aye, my lord, I will—
And then dissolve our firm. So now, to seek
The accomplice Peppercole; and, if I know
Aught of the way a bargain should be driven,
The large disclosures I can make, shall purchase
Justice on you, a pardon to myself,
And, haply, your coy Margaret for my wife.
