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Outside of Paolo's Cave.
Enter Florella, goes to the mouth of the Cave, stamps three times, and Paolo appears; she informs him Rinaldo approaches with Aurelia—they conceal themselves.—Enter Donato (the Old Man of the Hill) whom Paolo, peeping out, perceives, and recollecting,


him, the occasion of his disgrace and sufferings, pursues, determining to murder him!— Florella, on the lurk, is met by the Baron much irritated, and alarmed at Aurelia's escape, whom she informs is with Rinaldo hovering near, pointing off to them—he starts—gives her a purse to keep them in view till his return, with aid; she promises compliance, motioning her detestation of them both— Paolo returns with his dagger bloody, and Donato's habit and rosary—a thought strikes Florella—she requests their use, and they hurry with them into the Cave, dropping, in their haste, his blood-stained dagger.—Rinaldo and Aurelia enter, meeting Roscella and Rosaria; they affectionately exchange embraces; and Roscella, thanking Heaven and Rinaldo for his Daughter's deliverance, joins their hands—Rinaldo shudders, throws himself at his feet, and, drawing from his belt a proclamation, avows himself to be the daring Robber there proscribed! and, unworthy of so rich a prize, restores her to her Father, till penitence procures his pardon. Florella, disguised as Donato, approaches from the Cave, and bows to him—the Baron's trumpet sounds without—alarmed, Rinaldo requests Aurelia, &c. to seek for safety; he, determining to become an inmate of Donato's Cave—Roscella and Aurelia depart; Rinaldo follows Florella into the Cave, and Rosalia, exclaiming


May Angels looking down from Mercy's throne,
Grant thy Repentance may thy Crimes atone!

stumbles over Paolo's dagger, which perceiving stained with blood, alarmed for Rinaldo's safety, she snatches up, timidly pursues his footsteps, and enters the Cave.