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A gallery in the apartments of Adrian.
Emirena, Aquilius.
Who sooner than yourself can save Pharnaspes?
'Tis yours, at will, to rule the heart of Cæsar;
And every female but yourself would better
Employ a monarch's love.

Of what avail
To me, who love not Cæsar, is the power?

And must he be belov'd to make him think
That he is so?

Shall I proclaim a lie?

O! no—a lie is now an artifice
Held gross and insecure: true policy
Is so to work, that whom we would deceive
Should prove his own deceiver: let a sigh,
Half check'd with art, escape you; or a word
Of doubtful meaning; or a glance, that seems
As taken by surprise; a winning smile:
The smallest action: silence or a blush:
Nay, what you do not speak; all, all alike


Shall spread the snare; for lovers still are prone
To sooth their wishes. He will think you love him,
And yet yourself may still retain the power,
To say your lips had ne'er confess'd a passion.

I know not where such art is to be found.

Woman has not to seek it: with her birth
It grew and flourish'd. From the languid eye
To drop the obedient tear; to dress the lip
In smiles that hold no commerce with the heart:
To chace, at will, the colour from the cheek:
To flush the changing features: these are all
The sex's privilege, on you bestow'd,
Heaven's voluntary gift: to man they cost
Labour and deep design.

Thou, that art grown
Old in a court, canst ne'er have cause to envy
Talents like these. I deem thou art not found
Among the few, tenacious of the ties
Of ancient honour. When the time demands,
Thou know'st full well with open looks to allure
An unsuspecting foe; to place before him
The precipice, and then lament his fall:
To offer all thy service, but to serve
Thyself alone: to clothe an accusation
With treacherous praise, and aggravate a fault
In seeming to defend it: from the throne


To keep the good at distance; make the sovereign
Hated for punishments, and to thyself
Usurp the merit of rewards: beneath
Apparent zeal to hide an impious purpose,
And build thy fortune on another's ruin.

Thou, Emirena, wouldst revenge thy sex:
I thought not thus to touch thee, nor complain
Of what thou say'st: nay more, to be sincere,
It seems to me we both have spoken truth.
I meant but to advise.

I ask'd for aid,
And not advice.

Aquilius ever thought,
That wholesome counsel gave no little aid.
Believe me, princess—but farewell, I hear
Some one approach—'tis Adrian sure at hand.
