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SCENE, Capulet's Garden.
Enter Capulet, Lady, Capulet, Nurse, and two or three Servants.
So many Guests invite as here are writ;
What is my Daughter gone to Friar Laurence?

Ay, forsooth.

Well, he may chance to do some good on her;
A peevish self will'd Harlotry it is.

Enter Juliet.
See where she comes from her Confession.

How now my Head-strong? Where have you been gadding?

Where I have learnt me to repent the Sin
Of disobedient Opposition
To you and your Behests; and am enjoin'd
By holy Laurence to fall prostrate here,
And beg your Pardon: Pardon, I beseech you!
Hence-forward I am ever rul'd by you.

Send for the Count, go quick, tell him of this:
I'll have this Knot knit up immediately.

I met the youthful Lord at Laurence Cell,
And gave him what becoming Love I might,
Not stepping o'er the Bounds of Modesty.

Why, I am glad on't; this is well.

Nurse, will you go with me into the Closet,
To help me sort such needful Ornaments,
As you think fit to furnish me To-morrow?

Go Nurse, go with her; we'll to Church 'ith' Morning.

[Exeunt Jul. and Nurse.
L. Cap.
We shall be short in our Provisions;
'Tis now past Night.

Tush, I'll stir about,
And all Things shall be well, I warrant thee, Wife:
Go thou to Juliet, help to deck up her;
I'll not to Bed To-night, let me alone:
I'll play the Housewife for this once. What ho!
They are all forth; well, I will walk my self


To Paris, to prepare him up
My Heart's wond'rous light,
Since this same wayward Girl is so reclaim'd.
