The Tragedie of Alaham | ||
Actus Quintus
Scena Prima.
Alaham alone.Alaham.
Chance now congratulates. This is indeed
A Princely worke, and fashions nature new,
To sacrifice the liuing to the dead;
And with reuenge be to a Kingdome led.
My father, brother, sister, and my King;
All slaine for me? Obedience! Duty! Loue!
Your followers to such height when do you bring.
Now Hala's Present, this Triumphant Robe
Shewes all Estates, things reall, humors, lawes,
Yea Wiues themselues owe homage vnto might:
Iustice in Kings cannot be definite.
Hala, who stroue, by strength of wit, and passion,
To change, inforce, deceiue, or vndermine
Me, as a Man; yet to a Princes place
Humbles her pride, and striues to purchase grace.
A Princely worke, and fashions nature new,
To sacrifice the liuing to the dead;
And with reuenge be to a Kingdome led.
My father, brother, sister, and my King;
All slaine for me? Obedience! Duty! Loue!
Your followers to such height when do you bring.
Now Hala's Present, this Triumphant Robe
Shewes all Estates, things reall, humors, lawes,
Yea Wiues themselues owe homage vnto might:
Iustice in Kings cannot be definite.
Hala, who stroue, by strength of wit, and passion,
To change, inforce, deceiue, or vndermine
Me, as a Man; yet to a Princes place
Humbles her pride, and striues to purchase grace.
When I ordain'd this maske, and first decreed
A specious death for Prince, and Parent too;
I felt once tendernesse, that euill weed,
Which some call Dutie; others, Natures Lawes:
Should I haue lost a Crowne for such applause?
No, No: Each State peculiar wisdomes hath,
The way of Princes is to hide their mindes:
For else each slaue will suddenly descrie
Our inward passions, which they trafficke by.
A specious death for Prince, and Parent too;
I felt once tendernesse, that euill weed,
Which some call Dutie; others, Natures Lawes:
Should I haue lost a Crowne for such applause?
No, No: Each State peculiar wisdomes hath,
The way of Princes is to hide their mindes:
For else each slaue will suddenly descrie
Our inward passions, which they trafficke by.
Remisnesse did in me no sooner moue,
And only by a pawse it selfe expresse;
But straightway they diuin'd remorse, or loue;
And instantly drew arguments from both,
As if distraction to resolue were loth.
But, like a Sultan, mixing power with art;
When I made good my will, and only said;
Sirs, doe your charge. This intermittent passion
Is but the print of naturall affection;
The seat of Iustice is aboue compassion:
Straight, as if Furies breath had fild these bladders,
With cruell hearts their charge they vndertooke;
And euer after made my will their booke.
Who gouerne men, if they will stay aboue,
Must see, and scorne the downfalls of selfe-loue.
And only by a pawse it selfe expresse;
But straightway they diuin'd remorse, or loue;
As if distraction to resolue were loth.
But, like a Sultan, mixing power with art;
When I made good my will, and only said;
Sirs, doe your charge. This intermittent passion
Is but the print of naturall affection;
The seat of Iustice is aboue compassion:
Straight, as if Furies breath had fild these bladders,
With cruell hearts their charge they vndertooke;
And euer after made my will their booke.
Who gouerne men, if they will stay aboue,
Must see, and scorne the downfalls of selfe-loue.
Nay, marke againe what glory Order yeelds,
Where euery spirit is fitted to his roome.
Did not distresse these weake Ghosts well become?
At which fine playes of Chance, and intercession,
Did I relent? Or had I any sense,
But in the glories of Omnipotence?
These Scepter-mysteries Kings must obserue,
Or not be Kings. Are priuate vertues such?
“Want great Estates no other strengths but those,
“Which make them, for good words, good fortune lose?
Where euery spirit is fitted to his roome.
Did not distresse these weake Ghosts well become?
At which fine playes of Chance, and intercession,
Did I relent? Or had I any sense,
But in the glories of Omnipotence?
These Scepter-mysteries Kings must obserue,
Or not be Kings. Are priuate vertues such?
“Want great Estates no other strengths but those,
“Which make them, for good words, good fortune lose?
As Dogges their kennels, these their graues did frame:
'Twas crafty power that gaue such lawes to fame.
Away they went, rich in selfe-pitties smoke,
No hope of praise, but by their forme of death;
Nor of reuenge, but in the Peoples breath.
While I ascending roame to looke about,
And in the strength of confidence, and power,
Behold the vnprosperities of doubt.
'Twas crafty power that gaue such lawes to fame.
Away they went, rich in selfe-pitties smoke,
No hope of praise, but by their forme of death;
Nor of reuenge, but in the Peoples breath.
While I ascending roame to looke about,
And in the strength of confidence, and power,
Behold the vnprosperities of doubt.
But harke! What mournfull harmonie is this?
In dole my Triumphs are. What sounds are these;
Change! is thy nature both to grieue, and please?
Confused Echo's! whither doe you flye?
Or whence proceed? From grudge? or from applause?
Except my will, craues Mankinde any lawes?
Solemnity inferres the worke is ended:
Yet heare I noyse that showes vnquiet motion;
As from their ashes some new worke intended.
In dole my Triumphs are. What sounds are these;
Change! is thy nature both to grieue, and please?
Confused Echo's! whither doe you flye?
Or whence proceed? From grudge? or from applause?
Except my will, craues Mankinde any lawes?
Solemnity inferres the worke is ended:
Yet heare I noyse that showes vnquiet motion;
As from their ashes some new worke intended.
Now shall we know: Behold! I see one come,
Whose looks bring woe, and horrour from that Tombe.
Whose looks bring woe, and horrour from that Tombe.
Scena secunda.
Nuntius. Alaham.Nvntius.
Distract, confus'd, are all my inward spirits:
Griefe would complaine, yet dares not speake for feare.
Horrour the place of wonder disinherits.
Caines next of kinne so willingly to die,
For pompe, and honor to his funerall;
The flesh to couet that which flesh doth fly;
This wonder went I to the Pile to see:
As costly glories of the vanity.
Griefe would complaine, yet dares not speake for feare.
Horrour the place of wonder disinherits.
Caines next of kinne so willingly to die,
For pompe, and honor to his funerall;
The flesh to couet that which flesh doth fly;
This wonder went I to the Pile to see:
As costly glories of the vanity.
In stead of these; I saw the veyles of Power,
Practise, and pompe, specious hypocrisie,
Rent from her face, euen while she did deuoure.
I saw those glorious stiles of Gouernment,
God, Lawes, Religion (wherein Tyrants hide
The wrongs they doe, and all the woes we bide)
Wounded, prophan'd, destroy'd. Power is vnwise,
That thinkes in pompe to maske her Tyrannies.
Looke where he stands! a Monster growne within,
Still thirsty, and yet full with Parents blood:
Both man, and Tyrant dearly vnderstood.
Practise, and pompe, specious hypocrisie,
Rent from her face, euen while she did deuoure.
I saw those glorious stiles of Gouernment,
God, Lawes, Religion (wherein Tyrants hide
The wrongs they doe, and all the woes we bide)
Wounded, prophan'd, destroy'd. Power is vnwise,
That thinkes in pompe to maske her Tyrannies.
Looke where he stands! a Monster growne within,
Still thirsty, and yet full with Parents blood:
Both man, and Tyrant dearly vnderstood.
Hath meeke deuotion finished her worke?
Tell what their manner was; and how they died;
That to the dead would thus be crucified.
The fire, though mercilesse, yet sometimes iust,
Hath done his part; deuoured, but refin'd;
Perform'd thy will, and yet deceiu'd thy trust.
Speake plaine: What threatning mysteries be these?
Echos they be of murmurs, which possesse
The hearts of men against Powers wickednesse.
The first which burnt, as Caine his next of kinne,
In blood your Brother, and your Prince in State,
Drew wonder from mens hearts brought horror in.
This innocent, this soule too meeke for sinne,
Yet made for others to doe harme withall,
With his selfe-pitty teares, drew teares from vs;
His blood, compassion had; his wrong, stirr'd hate:
Deceipt is odious in a Kings Estate.
Repiningly he goes vnto his end:
Strange Visions rise; strange Furies haunt the flame;
People crie out; Echo repeats his name.
These words he spake, euen breathing out his breath:
The hearts of men against Powers wickednesse.
The first which burnt, as Caine his next of kinne,
In blood your Brother, and your Prince in State,
Drew wonder from mens hearts brought horror in.
This innocent, this soule too meeke for sinne,
Yet made for others to doe harme withall,
With his selfe-pitty teares, drew teares from vs;
His blood, compassion had; his wrong, stirr'd hate:
Deceipt is odious in a Kings Estate.
Repiningly he goes vnto his end:
Strange Visions rise; strange Furies haunt the flame;
People crie out; Echo repeats his name.
These words he spake, euen breathing out his breath:
“Vnhappy weaknesse! neuer innocent!
“If in a Crowne, yet but an instrument.
“People! obserue; this fact may make you see:
“Excesse hath ruin'd what it selfe did build:
“But ah! the more opprest, the more you yeeld.
“If in a Crowne, yet but an instrument.
“People! obserue; this fact may make you see:
“Excesse hath ruin'd what it selfe did build:
“But ah! the more opprest, the more you yeeld.
The next was he, whose age had reuerence;
His gesture something more than priuatenesse;
Guided by one, whose stately grace did moue
Compassion, euen in hearts that could not loue.
As soone as these approched neare the flame,
The winde, the steame, or furies, rays'd their vayles;
And in their lookes this image did appeare:
Each, vnto other; life, to neither deare.
These words he spake: “Behold one that hath lost
“Himselfe within; and so the world without;
“A King that brings authority in doubt:
“This is the fruit of Powers misgouernment.
“People! my fall is iust; yet strange your fate,
“That, vnder worst, will hope for better State.
His gesture something more than priuatenesse;
Guided by one, whose stately grace did moue
Compassion, euen in hearts that could not loue.
As soone as these approched neare the flame,
The winde, the steame, or furies, rays'd their vayles;
And in their lookes this image did appeare:
Each, vnto other; life, to neither deare.
These words he spake: “Behold one that hath lost
“Himselfe within; and so the world without;
“A King that brings authority in doubt:
“This is the fruit of Powers misgouernment.
“People! my fall is iust; yet strange your fate,
“That, vnder worst, will hope for better State.
Griefe roares alowd. Your Sister yet remain'd,
Helping in death to him in whom she died,
Then going to her owne, as if she gain'd,
These mild words spake with lookes to heauen bent:
Helping in death to him in whom she died,
Then going to her owne, as if she gain'd,
These mild words spake with lookes to heauen bent:
“O God! 'Tis thou that suffrest here, not we:
“Wrong doth but like it selfe in working thus:
“At thy will, Lord! Reuenge thy selfe, not vs.
“Wrong doth but like it selfe in working thus:
The fire straight vpward beares the soules in breath:
Visions of horror circle in the flame,
With shapes, and figures like to that of death;
But lighter-tongu'd, and nimbler-wing'd than fame:
Some to the Church; some to the People fly:
A voyce cries out; Reuenge, and Liberty.
Princes! Take heed; Your glory is your care;
And Powers foundations, Strengths, not Vices, are.
Visions of horror circle in the flame,
With shapes, and figures like to that of death;
But lighter-tongu'd, and nimbler-wing'd than fame:
Some to the Church; some to the People fly:
A voyce cries out; Reuenge, and Liberty.
Princes! Take heed; Your glory is your care;
And Powers foundations, Strengths, not Vices, are.
What change is this, that now I feele within?
Is it disease that workes this fall of spirits?
Or workes this fall of spirits my disease?
Things seeme not as they did; horror appeares.
What sinne imbodied, what strange sight is this?
Doth sense bring backe but what within me is?
Or doe I see those shapes which haunt the flame?
What summons vp remorse? Shall Conscience rate
Kings deeds, to make them lesse than their Estate?
Ah silly ghost! is't you that swarme about?
Would'st thou, that art not now, a father be?
These body lawes doe with the life goe out.
Is it disease that workes this fall of spirits?
Or workes this fall of spirits my disease?
Things seeme not as they did; horror appeares.
What sinne imbodied, what strange sight is this?
Doth sense bring backe but what within me is?
Or doe I see those shapes which haunt the flame?
What summons vp remorse? Shall Conscience rate
Kings deeds, to make them lesse than their Estate?
Ah silly ghost! is't you that swarme about?
Would'st thou, that art not now, a father be?
These body lawes doe with the life goe out.
What thoughts be these that doe my entrailes teare?
You wandring spirits frame in me your hell;
I feele my brother, and my sister there.
Where is my wife? There lacks no more but shee:
Let all my owne together dwell with me.
You wandring spirits frame in me your hell;
I feele my brother, and my sister there.
Where is my wife? There lacks no more but shee:
Let all my owne together dwell with me.
Scena tertia.
Hala. Alaham.Hala.
Wife! Is that name but stile of thy remorse?
Must I goe where thy silly parents be?
Thou yet but feel'st thy selfe: thou shalt feele me.
A King? And in a Throne built out of blood:
The ashes of your owne must giue you power.
Glutton Ambition! now thy selfe deuoure.
Must I goe where thy silly parents be?
Thou yet but feel'st thy selfe: thou shalt feele me.
A King? And in a Throne built out of blood:
Glutton Ambition! now thy selfe deuoure.
Looke in thy Conscience, that vnflattering glasse;
See there the wounds of Caine, thy wrongs to me:
Death triumphs now; And I doe giue it thee.
Caine here beginnes to liue, whilst thou do'st feed
Vpon the poyson, that thy wife deuis'd:
Thy debter yet; but stay I will exceed.
Now warre thy selfe: a King, with Kings must warre:
We are too base for friends, or enemies:
For lusts vse, not for loue, we women are.
All paines of death my selfe in Caine did feele;
And shall my rage aspire but to be iust?
What is but once; be long in doing must.
See there the wounds of Caine, thy wrongs to me:
Death triumphs now; And I doe giue it thee.
Caine here beginnes to liue, whilst thou do'st feed
Vpon the poyson, that thy wife deuis'd:
Thy debter yet; but stay I will exceed.
Now warre thy selfe: a King, with Kings must warre:
We are too base for friends, or enemies:
For lusts vse, not for loue, we women are.
All paines of death my selfe in Caine did feele;
And shall my rage aspire but to be iust?
What is but once; be long in doing must.
Infernall wombe! receiue thy right. Of old
This body was thine owne, before I was.
Obey my father, brother, sister, me:
I gaue their ghosts; they must giue mine to thee.
They call, I come. It was my sinne alone,
That gloried many wayes to tyrannize:
For all the doomes of ill let me suffice.
My Griefe doth yet but roame it selfe in sense:
Hala is more: Rage multiplies with vse:
These doe but mourne; I must reuenge abuse.
Euen through thy sense will I send in thine owne:
This child, that by thee liu'd shall in thee die;
In this will Caine, and I possesse thy Throne.
Ah powerfull God! why do'st thou Thunders spend
(By chance, or without vengeance) on the plants;
Since it is Man, not Trees, that doth offend?
Sirs! teare the roofe; perfect the worke of Power:
I haue no being, while she there doth sit,
Subiect in sexe, but King, in rage of wit.
Women! Behold, our sex I now improue:
Malice were vaine, if Kings could it subdue:
This rage reuiues the dead; restores my loue.
Is this Ormus? Or is Ormus my hell,
Where only Furies, and not Men, doe dwell?
The poyson works; I feele my spirits faint;
I must beseech; my Power is but complaint.
Where only Furies, and not Men, doe dwell?
I must beseech; my Power is but complaint.
Yet Wit! thou know'st what euery Power can doe;
Be Strength to me. Can Mothers kill their owne?
Selfe-loue will spare them. Why should I request?
Words doe inflame. But ah! it Hala is:
I must intreat. Her malice keepes no fashion:
Though she haue all, that all is but one Passion.
If I intreat; doth sense show where to wound?
I owe it mine; doth that giue malice Power?
Be Strength to me. Can Mothers kill their owne?
Selfe-loue will spare them. Why should I request?
Words doe inflame. But ah! it Hala is:
I must intreat. Her malice keepes no fashion:
Though she haue all, that all is but one Passion.
If I intreat; doth sense show where to wound?
I owe it mine; doth that giue malice Power?
Ah God!
What shall I doe, that both within, and out,
Authority haue lost? Vnused to request,
Yet must, and will: Yet, euen in doing, know;
Impossible, addes but more scorne to woe.
Hala! I doe, with Nature, begge for thine.
Harme me alone thy Husband, and thy King.
Horror hath her degrees: there is excesse.
In all Reuenge, that may be done with lesse.
What shall I doe, that both within, and out,
Authority haue lost? Vnused to request,
Yet must, and will: Yet, euen in doing, know;
Impossible, addes but more scorne to woe.
Hala! I doe, with Nature, begge for thine.
Harme me alone thy Husband, and thy King.
Horror hath her degrees: there is excesse.
In all Reuenge, that may be done with lesse.
Beyond the rule of Law, but not of Loue,
This child was borne; this not in Loue, but Law.
Before thy wrongs I had my passions free:
And in reuenge shall ought else limit me?
Innocent, thine owne, too yong for hate, or feare:
His death doth only execration beare.
In him thou art: in him I plague my lust,
Where Sense, and Law, were traytors to affection.
Beare children only but to Caine I must.
Disease, or Griefe (I know not which) or both:
Languish my powers: Hala! some respite giue;
Spare him a while: I haue not long to liue.
Hala! make haste to multiply this wretch;
I must haue both his sense, and iudgement free:
'Tis horror, not disease, that honors me.
“All you superiour Powers, which from aboue
“Behold this earth; and earthly mischiefes rod!
“Cast hence your eyes. These works are but for two:
“For him, that suffers; and for me, that doe.
I must haue both his sense, and iudgement free:
'Tis horror, not disease, that honors me.
“All you superiour Powers, which from aboue
“Behold this earth; and earthly mischiefes rod!
“Cast hence your eyes. These works are but for two:
Hala! then on: that Alaham may enrage,
Enrage thou first. New married now am I:
Remorse doth but for men in ambush lie.
Enrage thou first. New married now am I:
Remorse doth but for men in ambush lie.
She mistaking, kills Caines childe.
Earth! Stand'st thou fast vnder this vglinesse?
And fal'st not downe to that infernall deepe,
Which feares (perchance) worse than it selfe to keepe?
Eyes! close your liddes: There is no more to doe:
Yet know, you haue seene that before you die,
Which no Age will beleeue; One worse than I.
Ah curst Mortality! So soone put out?
And haue I lost the glory of Reuenge,
If Fame find greater, as she goes about?
This blood, that bloody throte should haue deuour'd:
Rage lack'd in this. Where is the place for scorne;
Since woes be dead in him, as soone as borne?
Flesh is too brittle mould for braue excesse.
Yet let these scraps giue nourishment to Fame;
Since Loue, and Rage this modell may expresse.
She findes her error.
And haue I lost the glory of Reuenge,
If Fame find greater, as she goes about?
This blood, that bloody throte should haue deuour'd:
Rage lack'd in this. Where is the place for scorne;
Since woes be dead in him, as soone as borne?
Flesh is too brittle mould for braue excesse.
Yet let these scraps giue nourishment to Fame;
Since Loue, and Rage this modell may expresse.
But what is this? Wake I, or doe I dreame?
If chang'd; with whom, or into whom am I?
Doth Horror dazell sense, or multiply?
What world is this? Where's Alaham? where my Sonne?
Caine! rise, and tell what Furies raised be.
Do'st Thou remaine aliue? And art Thou dead?
Who did this deed? None answers. It was I.
Verses here doe lengthen.
If chang'd; with whom, or into whom am I?
Doth Horror dazell sense, or multiply?
What world is this? Where's Alaham? where my Sonne?
Caine! rise, and tell what Furies raised be.
Do'st Thou remaine aliue? And art Thou dead?
Who did this deed? None answers. It was I.
And am I thus misled to lose Child, Husband, Fame,
Honor, Reuenge, my Caine, my Harmes, and Fury too?
And cannot harme my selfe, that those harmes to me doe.
Must I forgiue thee, Hala! that none else forgiue?
Scarce trembling doth my heart conceiue this hatefull deed?
Doe eyes behold this worke, and neither weepe, nor bleed?
Shall I complaine of Heauen, where fooles lay selfe-despaire?
Or Hell shall I inuoke, which ill hath euery where?
Shall I remaine aliue, and turne my rage to woe?
Shall I distinguish Guilt, where Chance doth ouerthrow?
And cannot harme my selfe, that those harmes to me doe.
Must I forgiue thee, Hala! that none else forgiue?
Scarce trembling doth my heart conceiue this hatefull deed?
Doe eyes behold this worke, and neither weepe, nor bleed?
Shall I complaine of Heauen, where fooles lay selfe-despaire?
Or Hell shall I inuoke, which ill hath euery where?
Shall I remaine aliue, and turne my rage to woe?
Shall I distinguish Guilt, where Chance doth ouerthrow?
Is Caine no more? Is it no more to loue?
Hath Hala's hate made many hearts to bleed,
Vpon the ruines of her loue to feed?
Furie! art thou so long in getting vp
Aboue the mists of poore selfe-pittie Teares?
Shall Rage be still a prisoner vnder feares?
Hath Hala's hate made many hearts to bleed,
Vpon the ruines of her loue to feed?
Furie! art thou so long in getting vp
Aboue the mists of poore selfe-pittie Teares?
Shall Rage be still a prisoner vnder feares?
Looke! here is death: Return'st thou me remorse?
Heere my belou'd: Can sighs recall him backe?
Here him I loath: Can scorne become his wracke?
My selfe yet liue: Must Fury burne without?
These were in me: May Nature liue in one?
What's due to death? Euen Rage that growes to doubt.
Heere my belou'd: Can sighs recall him backe?
Here him I loath: Can scorne become his wracke?
My selfe yet liue: Must Fury burne without?
These were in me: May Nature liue in one?
What's due to death? Euen Rage that growes to doubt.
Come Infant! Here is Empire. Let vs liue.
This worke is mine: Hell thankes, and enuies me;
And loe! her Spirits, before I come, I see.
Discord, Sedition, Rage, you Furies all!
Possesse againe the State, where you beganne:
The Woman you; 'Tis we deceiue the Man.
Enter vpon this large infernall wombe;
Repay your selues; this mould did make you all.
Why doe you stay? Leade me the way: I come.
Flesh is too weake, it hath satietie;
Lust, intermittent here; and Furie, poore;
Rage, hath respects; Desires, here weary be.
Leaue Man this meane: Let vs liue in excesse;
Where power is more, although the ioyes be lesse.
This Child is none of mine: I had no part:
Beare him I did with loathing, not desire:
My wombe perchance did yeeld, but not my heart.
With Alaham his father he must dwell:
I will goe downe, and change this Ghost with hell.
This worke is mine: Hell thankes, and enuies me;
And loe! her Spirits, before I come, I see.
Discord, Sedition, Rage, you Furies all!
Possesse againe the State, where you beganne:
The Woman you; 'Tis we deceiue the Man.
Enter vpon this large infernall wombe;
Repay your selues; this mould did make you all.
Why doe you stay? Leade me the way: I come.
Flesh is too weake, it hath satietie;
Lust, intermittent here; and Furie, poore;
Rage, hath respects; Desires, here weary be.
Where power is more, although the ioyes be lesse.
This Child is none of mine: I had no part:
Beare him I did with loathing, not desire:
My wombe perchance did yeeld, but not my heart.
With Alaham his father he must dwell:
I will goe downe, and change this Ghost with hell.
The Tragedie of Alaham | ||