University of Virginia Library

Sce. 2.

Enter Constantina.
Where is that boasted constancy which so oft
Men use to glory in? where is that Faith,
And that eternall Loyalty, which once exalted men
'Bove Demi-Gods? Is there not one left virtuous?

We might have been inconstant by Authority,
Custome wou'd have allow'd, it but men,
Whose purer souls should harbor most divinity,
Are now become less constant far than we
That clame no being but from them.
Why should we suffer then for what's anothers fault?
My act shall work a reformation in the world,
And man, not woman, shall hereafter be
The Proverb to express Inconstancy.

Enter Fidelio.
Kneel you to me Lady?

Wonder not Fidelio why thus low
An unknown Virgin offers her obedience;
It is a reverence that we ought to pay
When we behold such virtue, and should I
Be so uncivilly modest to deny an adoration
When duty and affection bind me,
The world might justly stile me irreligious.

That modestie I must confess is incivilitie
That smothers an affection; But what worth in me
Can stir affection in your chaster breast I know not,
And I must needs Lady either be a fool
In extolling of my self, or uncivill in condemning your Judgment.

I look not on your sir with superstitious eyes,
I cannot make an Idol of perfection,
It is your souls Idæa I admire
Whose excellence I have studied long
Taught by your Constantina's prayses.

You have chose a most unprofitable Subject
For your study Lady, it is so sparing of reward
That it forgets it self, and must for ever, you.

It is a study like the Chimick,
The end I must confess is hard to gain, but yet
It shews most sweet conclusions to the industrious.
Many there are that study it with delight,
But none with such a fearfull fervency as I;
Yet though I tremble, I dispair not, since she,
That only had the power to obtain it,
Has resign'd it to me for a Legacie, which I may
Justly chalenge, and you may not without impiety deny.

A Legacie? if she be dead that was
Sole Mistress of the Art, the Art must dye too.

Mistake me not, she is not dead sir,
She has usurpt another studie only, call'd
Obedience to a Husband, for Constantina your once betrothed
Is now married to the Duke of Florence my only Brother.

She is worse then, her constancie is dead,
And with it dies my love eternally.

Oh say not so; that was my Legacy given to me
By her departing Constancy, and if the Laws fulfill
The wills of wicked men, 'tis fit that sacred Constancie's
Should be obei'd. She told me here you liv'd
In Lelybæus a disguised Shepherd I for her sake,
Which made me take this journey and this habit,
And surely had you not a fresher Love,
You nere could disobey your Constantina's will,
Especially to one so like her.

I must confess thou art so like her,
That I should believe what thou hast said is true,
Were I not so confident of her Loyalty.

Shall I not he believ'd then?
Let her hand perswade you, since my tongue cannot.

She gives him a Letter.
This is her seal and Character, I know 'um well;
The direction, To her wrong'd Fidelio.
I begin to tremble, my gelid blood
Flies fast unto my heart, and calls for vengeance.

He reads.
Read and repent false man.

Oh heavens! VVhy of those numerous torments

That attend our sinfull actions, chose you a woman
Yo torment me? If that my crime so hainous was,
That all your malice joyn'd with fortunes
Could not invent a punishment to equall it,
Hell surely might have furnish'd you,
You needed not have call'd a woman to your councell,
Their malice is above Hels hate,
But I'le be reveng'd on all their Sex,
For none I am sure is constant since she is false.

Be not so confident of our weakness:
The loving Turtle shall not serve her mate
With half that faithfulness as I will you.

Hence Ethiopean Devill; Thou art too like her
To be good: I'de rather meet a Succubus,
Embrace a sooty Moore, or dally with a Negro's horrid curles.
They may by chance prove constant, but thou
Wilt presently deny thou lov'st me.

Let me dye eternally, if ever I deny I love you.

Then follow me to Bermudo, thou shalt be the first
I'le sacrifice to my just anger. Oh men accurst!
