University of Virginia Library

Scena III.

Aurelio, Fido.
Come honest Fido, thy best love supplys,
Part of my hoped fortunes. Thats true freindship,
Misery cannot shake, which crownes thy merit.

Sir, could my power produce forth any thing
Worthy your acceptation, or my service,
I would with hazard of my life performe it.
So much I owe your vertues, so much pitty
Your injuryes; but this poore taske so easy,
Consisting more of pollicie, then danger,
Giues not my loue an equall testimony.

You could not doe an office more deserving,
Or gratefull to my soule, then to bring tidings
Hovv my love fares, each syllable shee spake,

Though by an eccho I receiue the voyce,
Is able to inspire new life into mee.
How do's shee? is shee well? and mindfull of us:
Speake it a thousand times; never did sound
Touch a more gladsome eare.

By all curcumstance
I could conjecture, I read in her lookes
A strange disturbance. When I gaue the ring,
A Letter to her, as if joy and feare,
Had runne on seuerall arrants, and return'd,
Swift as her thoughts, and spoke her loue in silence.

Th'hast seene the treasury of my happinesse.
Speake, am I rich or no?

Shee is a Mine,
A store-house of all beauty, all content:
Her brow a banke of pleasure; her bright eyes
The cheese and onely moouer of your loue,
So multiplyed their flames, that they appear'd
To mee most like a firmament of fires,
Yet chaster then the Vestall; and below
Clouded with sorrow, which dropt pearles for you,
And do's inclose a soule richer then it,
Wherein is lockt the wardrope of all vertues;
Yet sure that soule had left her mansion,
But that shee stayes to bid you wellcome thither.

And why should I be staid from going to her?
Why should a couetuous eye watch ore that wealth
That is my right, I will goe claime my due,
And justifie the seisure. Why should parents,
That can giue to their children, neither mindes,
Nor yet affections, striue to governe both?
'Tis not justice: yet where should I complaine?
Loue has no barre to pleade at, nor no lawes
To rule vs by, nor Court to judge our cause.