University of Virginia Library



How fortunate it was I made
A new nest for my heart before
All the old nests were down, and laid
So low the elm, the sycamore,
That held my heart's most secret places,
Wherein I lay so safe and warm!
They are all gone, the beloved faces,
The nests are down in winter storm.
How fortunate it was I found
This new nest for my heart to keep
Above the cold floods and the ground;
Though the wind cry and the sky weep!
What a sad world the world had been,
All the old places hushed and dark,
Had not the new nest called me in,
Cradled my heart as in an ark!
Thank God He bids us build with care
A new nest 'gainst the night and rain,
When the old nests are stripped and bare:
There are some will not build again.