University of Virginia Library


New Words to the fine Tune, “Mynheer van Dunk.”

Mine own stout heart!
You and I must never part,
But bravely get on together,—
Through calm and strife,
And the ups and downs of life,
In winter, or summer weather!
Singing, O! for a true bold heart shall be
Ever found in its warm old place with me,
Cheerful evermore, and frank, and free,
Though the Mountains be drown'd in the rolling Sea!
Troubles, well season'd, as being well sent,
No honest man dreams of scorning;
But he mixes them up in his cup of content,
And fears no foes
While he happily knows
That Night must end in Morning!
For a brave glad heart shall always be
Beating in its own warm nest with me,
Cheerful evermore, and frank, and free,
Though the Mountains be drown'd in the rolling Sea!