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Sacra Poesis

By M. F. T. [i.e. M. F. Tupper]

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(Raph. Morghen Sc.)

Belov'd disciple, tender bosom-friend,
That, like thy Master, “lovedst to the end,”


Evangelist of blessings to the meek,
Peace to the guilty, vigour to the weak,—
I see thine eye with holy visions bright,
I see thy fair brow kindling with delight,
And glory round thy head, and mantling nigh
The full, free cup of immortality!
Thine emblematic eagle soars above,
Stript of the thunderbolts of fabled Jove,
And figuring thyself, whose zealous breast
Yearns o'er the Church, as eagles o'er their nest,—
Whose heart of pity beats for others' good,
As the fond mother flutters o'er her brood.
Thou too, with outspread wings of faith and love,
Speedest thy flight to splendour's fount above,
Bearest thy tender nestlings thro' the air,
And shew'st their dazzled sight the glories there.