University of Virginia Library



(Twenty-ninth of May.)

Up the Thames with flashing oar,
Let the Tower guns flame and roar,
Belching fire from every bore.
All the water ripples red,
Fiery shines the river bed
With the bonfires over head.
See the old bridge, black as jet,
Casting shadows, like a net,
Lights upon the parapet.
Pipe and drum in every boat;
All the Templars sing and float
To the merry bugle note.


See the fellows' corslets flash;
How the bright oars drip and splash,
As beneath the arch we dash.
Now from every roof and wall,
Shop and garret, yard and stall,
You can hear the cannon call.
Varlet, yeoman, knight and lord,
Wave their hat, and wig, and sword;
Every thief forgot his fraud.
Banners waved from London Bridge;
Pennons shook from roof and ridge,
Thick as wings of summer midge.
Ploughing water, dyed with flame;
Fast the royal galley came;
Blushed the river, as with shame.
Then again the cannon spoke;
And the clouds, as with a stroke,
Seemed in fragments to be broke.
Beating the black tide to froth,
Fell a thousand oars in wrath;
Cheers burst forth from south and north.


From the steeples rose a blaze;
Every casement in amaze
Shone with red and sparkling rays.
Bells swung madly thro' the mist;
Like a frown, the fog was kiss'd
Quite away to amethyst.
From the gardens came the cheers
Of a million cavaliers,
Some could scarcely shout for tears.