University of Virginia Library



Up at the Big House, at the Sale last week,
The books fetched next to nothing; by the stone
They mostly went; you had them, so to speak
For just the carrying off. Well, if I'd known,
I might have brought the ass, and taken a load
In sacks, but missed the chance; small loss I thought it,
Considering time extremely ill bestowed
In reading stupid stuff because you've bought it.
The rest was offered by the hundredweight,
Which means waste-paper and the pulping mill;
A worthless lot; you'd count, at any rate,
Their like good riddance from the room they fill:
Old sermons, tracts, long Lives of God knows who,
Epitomes, learned manuals out of date.
The brown blurred print would strain your eyes, and you
Be none the wiser—'twas their righteous fate.
Yet, when from factory-turmoil into calms
Emerged, what capable and fleckless sheets,
Clear of McKenzie on the Cursing Psalms,
May bear, as leaves flash dew, some Ode of Keats.