University of Virginia Library



The love of Christ, ... filled with all the fulness of God.”— Eph. iii. 19.

Lord Jesus, Thou art all to me
And ever walkest at my side,
Thou art an overshadowing tree,
My Morning and the Eventide:
Thou art the Fountain, whence I dip
Up life of loving fellowship.
Thou art the pillow of my head
And daily staff wherewith I go,
My table and the heavenly bread
That feeds me when I faint below;
And as the flower that holds the light,
I summer in Thy Holy Sight.
Thou art my platter and the board
At which Thine angels also sit,
My refuge and the secret hoard
So full of treasures infinite;
The gold is Thine, and at the Cross
I purge me from the clinging dross.
Thou art my sword and guardian shield,
My haven and the sheltering shore,
The bounty of the harvest-field
Wherein I reap for evermore;
Thou art my one Delight and All,
Who hearest even before I call.