University of Virginia Library



Here cloister-walks, in spacious square,
Showed sacred story, painted fair,
And portraiture of famous men,
Who seemed to live and speak again,
In golden maxims from the walls.
Nobly these cloisters ranged along
By chapels, chambers, courts and halls,
Dividing from the cowled throng,
As with a dim and pillared aisle,
The Royal lodging's stately pile.
There the Queen's parlour, and her bower,
Hung o'er the sunny southern glade;
And here the place of monarch-power
Gleamed through the Abbey's farther shade.
The foliaged arch, the well-carved door
Of chamber, hung from vault to floor
With storied scene, or cloth of gold,
Or 'broidered velvet's purple fold,
Rose beauteous to the taste of yore.
And slender shafts, entwined with flowers,
Lifted their high o'er-arching bowers,
Traced forth with mimic skill so true,
Kings seemed their Windsor's groves to view.