University of Virginia Library


The City of The Cimmerians.

In the keen cold ether of the glacial regions,
On the ice-peaks of the starry pole,
Where the giant emerald-mailèd legions
Guard the happy Hyperborean goal,
Swathed in whirling mists and lurid breezes,
'Neath the Northern-light's red fitful blaze,
The Cimmerian twilight-city freezes,
Hovering in the haze.
Crystal pinnacles green spires and sapphire steeples
Tower into the bright white clusters of the stars,
Tottering citadels of shadowy peoples,
Fleckt with vapour, streaked with ghostly bars
Upward blown in foggy curls, that, wreathing,
Sweep their fading edges far to heaven.—
Underneath white surf and green wave seething
On the ice-floes driven!
March 22nd, 1886.