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Pearls of the Faith or Islam's Rosary

Being The Ninety-Nine Beautiful Names of Allah (Asmca-El-Husnca): With Comments in Verse from Various Oriental Sources (As Made by an Indian Mussulman): By Edwin Arnold

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 70, 71. 
 72, 73, 74, 75. 
 80, 81. 
 89, 90. 
 95, 96. 



Yakbuzu wa Yabsutu! heaven and hell
He closeth and uncloseth—and doth well!
In gold and silk and robes of pride
An evil-hearted monarch died;
Pampered and arrogant his soul
Quitted the grave. His eyes did roll
Hither and thither, deeming some
In that new world should surely come
To lead his spirit to a seat
Of state, for kingly merit meet.
What saw he? 'twas a hag so foul
There is no Afrit, Djin, or Ghoul


With countenance as vile, or mien
As fearful, and such terrors seen
In the fierce voice and hideous air,
Blood-dripping hands and matted hair.
“Allah have mercy!” cried the king,
“Whence and what art thou, hateful thing?”
“Dost thou not know—who gav'st me birth?”
Replied the form;“thy sins on earth
In me embodied thus behold.
I am thy wicked work! unfold
Thine arms and clasp me, for we two
In hell must live thy sentence through.”
Then with a bitter cry, 'tis writ,
The king's soul passed unto the pit.
Al-Kabiz! so He bars the gate
Against the unregenerate.

Cf. Korân, ii. chapter “Of the Cow.”