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In Imitation of Hudibras

The Dissenting Hypocrite, or Occasional Conformist; with reflections On Two of the Ring-Leaders, &c. Viz. I. Their Works and Writings. II. Their Professions and Principles. III. Their Qualifications and Parts. IV. Their Persons and Practices [by Edward Ward]

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Who likes a Democratick Form
After that blust'ring bloody Storm,
Which this whole Kingdom then confounded
'Twixt Cavalier and Cruel Round-Head;
Let Him, I say, begin at Home;
And as He is the Major Dome,
Not keep his Family i'th' Dark,
And play the rigid Patriarch;


But give his Children, Servants, Right
Equal to his own Pow'r and Might.
When They begin to cut his Throat,
And leave him not a Scottish Groat;
If He with Reason then can bear it,
He is in Earnest, I will swear it:
And otherwise, it is a Jest
To put gull'd People to the Test
Of their enveigling damn'd Delusion,
To breed the Government's Confusion.
A Commonwealth, to speak more nice,
Is but a Scab with many Lice,
Which would on England soon determine
The Plague of Egypt with those Vermine.
When Whigs Hypocrisy find rampant,
They plausibly Religion stamp on't:
{S}o false Republicans are pure,
{A}s Whores at Christ'nings look Demure;


Formal appear, and sober godly,
Yet still most singularly Odly;
They can their Countenance behave,
As Senators, austere and grave:
But, Janus-like, they have Two Faces
To reconcile Two diff'rent Cases,
And hold Communion for Great Places:
As if Religion were but Local,
And State-Preferment Sins did Cloak All.
Thus are, from Scripture Union freed,
The Devil and the Saint agreed.
Now these Occasional Non-Cons,
Encourag'd by the City-Dons
And some late treach'rous Whiggish Parsons,
Church-Bastards, disobedient, rare Sons;
Divide th'Establisht Church's Law,
That we can't know a Friend from Foe:


As Johnson, Stephens, and some other
That would destroy their Lawful Mother;
For if Church-Papists we allow,
There are Church-Presbyterians too;
Who'll on Occasion change the Church,
Turn Whigs, and leave her in the lurch.
Thus may the injur'd Church complain,
At Heart, of an Intestine Pain;
Her Sacred Bowels torn to pieces
By Rav'nous Wolves in good Sheeps Fleeces:
As Tree in Fable, that alledges,
She's split in Two by her own Wedges;
For all close Schismaticks agree
To cut it down, and cleave the Tree.