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Poems upon several occasions

with a voyage to the Island of Love. By Mrs A. Behn

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Mr. Je. B.

VVith whom the young Amyntas came,
The Author of my Sighs and Flame:
For I'll confess that Truth to you,
VVhich every Look of mine can show.
Ah how unlike the rest he appears!
VVith Majesty above his years!


His Eyes so much of Sweetness dress,
Such Wit, such Vigour too express;
That 'twou'd a wonder be to say,
I've seen the Youth, and brought my Heart away.
Ah Cloris! Thou that never wert
In danger yet to lose a Heart,
Guard it severely now, for he
Will startle all thy Constancy:
For if by chance thou do'st escape
Unwounded by his Lovely Shape,
Tempt not thy Ruine, lest his Eyes
Joyn with his Tongue to win the Prize:
Such Softness in his Language dwells,
And Tales of Love so well he tells,
Should'st thou attend their Harmony,
Thou'dst be Undone, as well as I;
For sure no Nymph was ever free,
That could Amyntas hear and see.