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The works of Allan Ramsay

edited by Burns Martin ... and John W. Oliver [... and Alexander M. Kinghorn ... and Alexander Law]

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To the Tune of the Lass of Livingston.

Pain'd with her slighting Jamie's Love,
Bell dropt a Tear,—Bell dropt a Tear,
The Gods descended from above,
Well pleas'd to hear,—Well pleas'd to hear.
They heard the Praises of the Youth
From her own Tongue,—From her own Tongue,
Who now converted was to Truth,
And thus she sung,—and thus she sung,


Blest Days when our ingen'ous Sex,
More frank and kind,—More frank and kind,
Did not their lov'd Adorers vex,
But spoke their Mind,—But spoke their Mind.
Repenting now she promis'd fair,
Wou'd he return,—Wou'd he return,
She ne'er again wou'd give him Care,
Or Cause to mourn,—Or Cause to mourn.
Why lov'd I the deserving Swain,
Yet still thought Shame,—Yet still thought Shame,
When he my yielding Heart did gain,
To own my Flame,—To own my Flame?
Why took I Pleasure to torment,
And seem too coy,—And seem too coy?
Which makes me now, alas! lament
My slighted Joy,—My slighted Joy.
Ye Fair, while Beauty's in its Spring,
Own your Desire,—Own your Desire;
While Love's young Power with his soft Wing
Fans up the Fire,—Fans up the Fire.
O do not with a silly Pride,
Or low Design,—Or low Design,
Refuse to be a happy Bride,
But answer plain,—But answer plain.
Thus the fair Mourner wail'd her Crime,
With flowing Eyes,—With flowing Eyes;
Glad Jamie heard her all the Time,
With sweet Surprise,—With sweet Surprise,
Some God had led him to the Grove,
His Mind unchang'd,—His Mind unchang'd,
Flew to her Arms, and cry'd, My Love,
I am reveng'd,—I am reveng'd!