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A vile and most abandon'd wretch,
No friend to man nor nations,
Did kindle with a hellish match
Venereous conflagrations;


America soon catched the flame,
The whore in every alley
Exclaimed against the blasted name
Of squinting wry-nos'd K---lly.


With gums and tongue as sore as biles,
And jaws tied up with flannel,
The hunters curse the match and wiles
Of black infernal Daniel.
Full thirty years he's ranged the globe,
With blue stone, pills and unction;
And scandaliz'd a genteel robe
With his infernal function.
“Pox-master general” resounds
O'er ev'ry hill and valley,
The infamy hath got no bounds,
Of squinting wry-nos'd K---lly.
At Gib' he set the rock on fire,—
Should any person doubt it,
Among the train he may enquire,
They'll tell him all about it.
His wife a stinking victim died—
May Hymen weep for Nelly—
And wished she never had been tied
To squinting wry-nos'd K---lly.
The god of marriage was unwise—
Appealed to Cupid's mother:
Tho' one wife fell a sacrifice,
He soon gave him another.
Now she is fir'd as bad as Nell,
(The bosom friend and ally,)
By that destructive dog of hell,
Old squinting wry-nos'd K---lly.
Bold Samson turned his foxes out,
With firebrands at their ar---es,
To burn the standing corn, about
Three hundred took their courses;
Just so the devil slip'd his fox,
With firebrand at his belly,
That all the world might get the p---x,
Thro' squinting wry-nos'd K---lly.


His villany on foreign shores
Hath often been detected;
Of stealing bacon, deals, and stores,
The rascal stands convicted.
His h---lish deeds excite disgust,
The universe can tell ye,
The devil I would sooner trust,
Than squinting wry-nos'd K---lly