University of Virginia Library


ODE XXII. To Aristius.

The Man with Virtue's Aid prepar'd,
In Virtue finds the surest Guard;
He needs nor Bows, nor Darts defence,
Safe in his spotless Innocence.
The virtuous Man securely stands
On Scythian Snows, or Libyan Sands;
Or to the farthest Indies goes,
Or where the fam'd Hydaspes flows.
For, as by Am'rous Thoughts betray'd,
Among the Woods I lately stray'd,
I met a Wolf; the Salvage knew
Unarm'd Integrity and flew.
Not warlike Daunia's Savage Coast
Could such a well-grown Monster boast:
No Beast so large infests the Plains
Where Lions breed, and Juba reigns.
Me to the Northern Pole convey,
Remote from Summer's cheerful Ray;
Where endless Frosts and Snows appear,
And Clouds and Cold bring round the Year:
Or place me near the burning Zone,
To fry beneath the scorching Sun;
Love and the Nymph shall ease my Toils,
Who softly Speaks, and sweetly Smiles.