University of Virginia Library


On his publishing the Poetical Calendar.

What numbers with unhallow'd hands delight
To nip the bud of Genius ere full-blown!
Or to repress, with little sordid spite,
Fancy's strong pinion that sublime had flown!
Far gentler the rude flash of lightning past,
That struck the eagle from his tow'ring wing!
Less cruel riots Winter's ruffian blast
On the soft virgin bosom of the Spring!


But satire ne'er shall our chaste page defile,
Let their just fate suffice—to die forgot—
Now let the frown be soften'd to a smile,
Worth claims applause, though she solicits not.
Late did the hand of Elegance select
Each flow'r o'er Albion scatter'd by the Muse;
And hence in Attic taste a nosegay deckt,
Whose beauty time revolving but renews .
So, from the pathless solitary waste,
The gay parterre oft borrows half its pride;
See! yonder terrace with those snow-drops grac'd,
That rudely once adorn'd the landscape wide.
To You a like return of praise belongs,
That now the Muses grace our native land;
Ye friends of bards, and guardians of their songs,
By no mean breath the fire poetic fann'd.
These Volumes as fair monuments shall last,
“What gems had lain neglected in the mine,
“Had you not here the precious store amass'd,
“To charm by union, and by contrast shine.”

Alluding to Mr Dodsley's very elegant collection of Poems.