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The Works of Hildebrand Jacob

... Containing Poems on Various Subjects, and Occasions; With the Fatal Constancy, a Tragedy; and Several Pieces in Prose. The Greatest Part Never Before Publish'd

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ODE I. To Cloe.


To Venus, Baccbus, and the Nine
Our future Moments we'll resign,
Sincerer Pleasures can we prove?
Glory, and Riches we disdain,
While, with the Muses, and Champagne,
We fill the Intervals of Love.


Let Heroes quarrel for Command,
Let Merchants toil by Sea, and Land,
For Favours fawning Courtiers bend,
While, Cloë, we contented live,
With whate'er Fortune deigns to give,
Nor fear, or wish our days may end.



And since both you, and I, and All
Must Sacrifices surely fall
To Age, devouring Time, and Fate,
Say, can we be too much in hast
To live? this very Hour we wast;
The next perhaps, may come too late.


I've heard the Muses in a Quire,
I've heard Apollo's golden Lyre,
Propitious in their sacred Grove.
Now Bacchus waits; then hast away,
My charming Cloë, while we may,
Let's spend the Night in Wine, and Love.