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Poems on Several Occasions

With some Select Essays in Prose. In Two Volumes. By John Hughes; Adorn'd with Sculptures

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Let Phœbus his late Happiness rehearse,
And grace Barn-Elms with never-dying Verse!
Smooth was the Thames, his Waters sleeping lay,
Unwak'd by Winds that o'er the Surface play;
When th'early God arising from the East,
Disclos'd the Golden Dawn, with Blushes drest.
First in the Stream his own bright Form he sees,
But brighter Forms shine thro' the neighb'ring Trees.
He speeds the rising Day, and sheds his Light
Redoubled on the Grove, to gain a nearer Sight.
Not with more Speed his Daphne he pursu'd,
Nor fair Leucothoe with such Pleasure view'd;
Five dazzling Nymphs in graceful Pomp appear;
He thinks his Daphne and Leucothoe here,
Join'd with that Heav'nly Three, who on Mount Ide
Descending once the Prize of Beauty try'd.
Ye Verdant Elms, that tow'ring grace this Grove,
Be Sacred still to Beauty, and to Love!


No Thunder break, nor Lightning glare between
Your twisted Boughs, but Such as then was seen.
The Grateful Sun will ev'ry Morning rise
Propitious here, saluting from the Skies
Your lofty Tops, indulg'd with sweetest Air,
And ev'ry Spring your Losses he'll repair;
Nor his own Laurels more shall be his Care.