University of Virginia Library


ODE the Fifth, To the Same.

Bear the flowing Bowl away;
Break the Lyre; and cease the Lay;
My belov'd is gone astray.
Shew me to the happyer Swain,
That Revenge may ease my Pain:
Thence in vain I seek Redress;
What could Youth and Passion less?
He that dares oppose her Eyes
Either vanquishes or dys;
Therefore who the Youth can blame?
I myself had done the same.
Cruel Phillis I accuse,
Once my Love, and once my Muse.
Call to Mind the Vows you made,
On the Bank beneath the Shade!
When you swore by ev'ry Pow'r
In the fond ecstatic Hour.


What can Oaths of Women bind,
Phillis, fickle as the Wind?
Phillis thou art free to range,
Free to love, and free to change.
I before had thee betray'd,
Had I found a fairer Maid.