University of Virginia Library




[Our Days are crown'd with soft Delights]

Our Days are crown'd with soft Delights,
With undisturb'd Repose our Nights:
The Golden Age revives again,
Bears Date from her auspicious Reign:
The Wicked from her Court are fled,
And drooping Truth erects her Head:
See! See! she rises dazling bright!
The Clouds are fled that hid her Light!
Lo! Justice does with Pomp descend,
On her each Virtue does attend;
From her, their Rays themselves disperse,
And all the wide Circumference bless:
With Joy Religion now appears,
And void of Doubts, and void of Fears,
Does all her native Charms display,
Is pure as Light, and bright as Day:
Such as she was, when first she rose,
When first she did her Beams disclose;
When Conscience was supreme within,
And happy Man was free from Sin:
When Goodness for it self was lov'd,
And none by servile Fear were mov'd:
When Nature govern'd void of Art,
And Love was regnant in each Heart:


When Merit was esteem'd alone,
And spightful Censures were unknown:
Those Times she will again restore,
And add new Joys unknown before:
She comes! she comes! ordain'd by Fate,
Both to Reform and Shield her State!
Like favour'd Israel's Guardian Light,
She leads us through the Shades of Night:
In vain Egyptian Foes pursue;
She fearless does the Troublers view;
Their Chariots move but slowly on,
Their Wheels are off, their Strength is gone:
Surrounding Waves their Fury show,
And they no Place of Safety know:
Aurora does with Pomp arise,
Returning Day adorns the Skies:
When it has reach'd Meridian Height,
We from the Shore shall please our Sight
With the fam'd Trophies of the Fair,
And say, these who our Terror were,
By whom we've been so long opprest,
Depriv'd of Peace, depriv'd of Rest,
Who did for our Destruction wait,
Are made themselves the Prey of Fate.