University of Virginia Library


SONG. XXXII. Magnificat. Luk. 1. 46.


Sing this as the 3 Song.


That magnifi'de the LORD may be,
My Soule now vndertakes;
And in the God that saueth me,
My Spirit merry-makes.
For, he vouchsafed hath to view
His Handmaides poore degree.
And loe, All Ages that ensue,
Shall blessed reckon me.


Great things for me Th'Almightie does,
And Holy is his Name:
From Age to Age he mercie showes
On such as feare the same.
He by his Arme declard his might:
And this to passe hath brought;
That now the Proud are put to flight,
By what their hearts haue thought.


The Mightie plucking from their Seat;
The Poore he placed there:
And for the Hungrie takes the meat
From such, as Wealthy are.
But, minding Mercie, he hath show'd


His Seruant Isr'el grace:
As he to our Forefathers vow'd;
To Abraham, and his Race.